Microsoft reports that the bug where Edge steals Chrome tab contents and data has been fixed

Microsoft has reported that it has fixed a bug that has been occurring since January 2024, where the contents of the Google Chrome tab you were using until the moment you started it were copied when you started Microsoft Edge.
Microsoft Edge release notes for Stable Channel | Microsoft Learn
Microsoft fixes Edge browser bug that was stealing Chrome tabs and data - The Verge
This bug has been confirmed since January 2024.
Report that a mysterious phenomenon is occurring where Edge steals tabs opened in Chrome - GIGAZINE

According to Microsoft, ``The state of a function that imports data from other browsers with the user's consent may not have been shared across multiple devices and may not have worked properly.''
Tom Warren of The Verge, who was aware of the problem before the fix, asked for an explanation of why this phenomenon occurred, but was refused comment and pointed out that a silent fix was made.
Mr. Warren then cited past examples of updates that pinned Edge to the desktop or taskbar without permission, as well as measures that displayed a warning dialog when trying to download Chrome. He said he would not comment on the matter because of his history of using spyware-like tactics to promote his company.
By the way, the ``measures to discourage users from using Chrome'' that Mr. Warren points out are not just a one-time event, but have been carried out many times over several years.

In addition, within the European Economic Area (EEA), the Digital Markets Act allows Microsoft Edge to be uninstalled and search providers such as Google to extend the Windows Search interface with their own custom web searches.
However, the Digital Market Law applies to 'Windows' and 'Edge,' 'Bing,' and 'Microsoft Advertising' are exempt from the rules, which may be a nuisance for users who don't want to use Edge. It is likely that these measures will remain in place.
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in Software, Posted by logc_nt