Review of ``Tunnel Rush'', a free running game where you avoid obstacles using arrow keys with light music

The game `` Tunnel Rush '' has been released, where you dash forward from a first-person perspective while avoiding obstacles that await you. I actually tried playing it because it was free to play.

Tunnel Rush

Below is the play movie of Tunnel Rush.

Review of ``Tunnel Rush'', a free running game where you avoid obstacles with arrow keys in time with light music - YouTube

Red obstacles will approach you, so use the arrow keys (left and right) to move your viewpoint to avoid them.

Some obstacles are stationary, while others are rotating. It's easy to move in the same direction as the obstacle is rotating, but the trick is to move in the opposite direction, for example, if the obstacle is rotating clockwise, you should move counterclockwise. .

As you pass through the yellow field, the stage level increases, making it faster and harder to avoid obstacles.

The distance you have traveled is displayed on the left side of the top of the screen, the stage level is displayed in the center, and your current speed is displayed on the right side.

If you hit an obstacle, the game is over. If you perform well, you may be able to leave your name on a leaderboard filled with players from all over the world. I've played the game a few times, but around stage level 4, the frequency of obstacles appearing increases dramatically, making it extremely difficult. This area seems to be a wall for all players, and if they can clear stage level 4, they will be able to leave their name on the leaderboard as ``today's top 10 players.''

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1p_kr