The revenue from videos posted by top YouTuber MrBeast on X (formerly Twitter) is just under 40 million yen

MrBeast, known as the world's highest-earning YouTuber, revealed that he earned approximately $260,000 (approximately 39.1 million yen) from a video he posted as a ``test to see how much money you can make if you monetize with X.'' did. MrBeast has announced that the proceeds will be distributed to 10 people through a lottery.

Up until now, MrBeast has limited his video postings to YouTube, believing that YouTube is the only place that pays a fee commensurate with the cost of video production and the number of views that result. However, I posted my first video on X on January 15, 2024 as a 'test to see how much profit I could make.'

This post has been viewed about 157 million times in about a week and has been clicked about 5.18 million times. It turns out that the revenue was about $ 264,000 (about 39.1 million yen).

MrBeast has announced that 250,000 dollars (approximately 37 million yen) of the proceeds will be given to 10 people in the amount of 25,000 dollars (approximately 3.7 million yen) each.

Regarding the amount of revenue, MrBeast said, ``Since it was a video that attracted attention, we believe that advertisers purchased advertisements for this video, so we believe that the revenue per number of views is higher than what you experience.'' 'It will be possible,' he said.

It has been pointed out that the video posted by MrBeast did not have an 'advertisement' label attached to it, which appeared to be an advertisement post for guidance. Normally, if you post an ad on X's advertising platform, a label should be given, so this suggests that X may have done some kind of favor to get MrBeast, a popular YouTuber, to post original content on X as well. However, the facts are unknown.

MrBeast, the world's highest-earning YouTuber, uploads videos to X (formerly Twitter), but points out that advertisements are displayed without labels - GIGAZINE

in Web Service,   Video, Posted by logc_nt