``Weeks of your life'' is a site where you can look back on your life weekly and record the events at that time.

Many people keep diaries for the purpose of looking back on their lives. `` Weeks of your life '', created by engineer Pete Millspaw, allows you to look back on your life week by week and record the events that happened at that time.

Weeks of your life


Weeks of your life

The top page of 'Weeks of your life' looks like this. The default is data for people born on April 4, 1997.

Click on the date column to set your own date of birth. This time, it was set on January 1, 2000.

When you set your date of birth, the notation of how old you are in what year of the Western calendar, such as '0 in 2000' or '1 in 2001', will match the entered date of birth.

Each finely arranged gray box represents one week's worth.

By entering events into this box, it becomes easier to visually understand what happened at what point in your life.

You can also enter Japanese, but the display will be distorted.

The box for entering events after January 2024, which is the future at the time of article creation, is highlighted in a different color and cannot be entered.

If you scroll the page, you can see that the input field continues until the age of 99.

By clicking on the title or label such as 'Weeks of your life' or 'early years', you can freely change the displayed text.

In Weeks of your life, when you set your birthday to January 1, 2000, '?birthdate=2000-01-01' is added to the URL and 'https://www.weeksofyour.life/?birthdate' is added to the URL. =2000-01-01'.

Also, if you enter 'enter elementary school' for the week of April 2, 2006, the URL will be 'https://www.weeksofyour.life/?birthdate=2000-01-01&2006-04-02=enter%2520elementary% 2520school”. In this way, by accessing the changed URL, you can access it again even if you close your browser.

Mr. Millspaw points out features that he would like to add in the future, such as the ability to add images, change the font, and send anniversaries by email.

The source code for Weeks of your life is available on GitHub.

pmillspaugh/weeksofyourlife: An interactive visualization of your life in weeks. Inspired by Tim Urban's Your Life in Weeks (Wait But Why) and Buster Benson's Life in Weeks.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut