Open source 3DCG production software 'Blender 4.0' officially released

Blender Foundation has officially released Blender 4.0, version 4.0 of the 3DCG production software 'Blender'. Blender 4.0 not only has a new UI and improved color management, but also has a ``node tool'' that allows you to extend Blender without the need for Python.

4.0 —

Reference/Release Notes/4.0 - Blender Developer Wiki

The node tool is introduced in the following movie.

Introduction to Node Tools in Blender 4.0! - YouTube

'Geometry node' is a function that performs modeling by visually connecting commands in node format. Node Tools is a new feature that shares this geometry node setup, allowing you to create custom tools that can be used to speed up your workflow without the need for programming in Python.

According to Blender, the reason for introducing the node tool is not because there is a problem with Python, but to allow more people to customize their workflow.

Node tools can be shared by marking them as assets.

In addition, Blender 4.0 has a new snap function, and it is now possible to move the viewpoint while moving or transforming objects.

In addition, Blender 4.0 also has enhanced animation functions.

Furthermore, the lighting has also been significantly updated. In particular, Blender's rendering engine Cycles has added features such as ``Light Link'' and ``Shadow Link'' that affect lighting only to specific objects in the scene.

In addition, the UI is now based on a flat design, and the fonts have been revised. Various other features have been added and improved in Blender 4.0, so if you are interested, please check out the official release.

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in Software,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk