Amazon plans to expand drone delivery service in the UK and Italy, also starts drone delivery of medical supplies

At the time of writing,

Amazon Prime Air , Amazon's drone delivery service, is only available in two locations in the United States, but it has been announced that Amazon Prime Air will also be available in the United Kingdom and Italy in the second half of 2024. it was done. Amazon also announced that it has launched a new drone design, the MK30, with improvements such as quieter operation and longer range, as well as the launch of a medical drone delivery service.

Amazon to expand Prime Air drone delivery in Italy, UK, and US

Amazon will roll out Prime Air drone delivery to the UK, Italy, and third US city by late 2024 - The Verge

``Amazon Prime Air'', which uses drones to deliver products ordered on Amazon, was first announced in 2013, but after that, the project faced difficulties due to mass employee turnover, and it was finally launched in 2022. Amazon Prime Air is said to be able to deliver packages up to 5 pounds (approximately 2.26 kg) stored in the warehouse within one hour of ordering.

At the time of writing, Amazon Prime Air is deployed in two locations in the United States : College Station , Texas, and Rockford , California. Amazon had a goal of completing 10,000 deliveries in 2023, but it has been reported that as of May 2023, the number of deliveries was only 100.

It is reported that Amazon's drone delivery service ``Amazon Prime Air'' was aiming for 10,000 deliveries in 2023, but actually only made 100 deliveries - GIGAZINE

Amazon announced on October 19, 2023 that it will roll out Amazon Prime Air in the United Kingdom, Italy, and a third city in the United States starting in the second half of 2024. The names of new cities where Amazon Prime Air will be deployed will be announced in the coming months.

Amazon said on its official blog: 'We are working closely with national and international regulators and communities in the EU, Italy, UK, and US to develop this program. 'We have spent the necessary time and resources to build our service,' he said, explaining that the company will deploy a safe drone delivery service in accordance with regulations.

Additionally, drone delivery services in Rockford and College Station were previously provided through standalone Amazon Prime Air distribution centers. However, in the future, Amazon Prime Air drones will be integrated into existing same-day delivery stations, and the drones will depart from the same building as traditional delivery vehicles.

Foreign media The Verge points out that Amazon Prime Air is facing various obstacles. Amazon Prime Air drones cannot be flown in strong winds, extremely hot temperatures, or bad weather, and can only fly for a limited time from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. per day, making them more widely available in the U.S. It said it would be difficult to meet the flight hours needed to make the deployment.

However, an Amazon spokesperson claimed in an email to The Verge that Amazon Prime Air has completed thousands of deliveries to thousands of customers. Amazon Prime Air seems to be making steady progress, as the number of deliveries has increased significantly since CNBC reported in May.

Amazon also announced a new design, the MK30, that will replace existing drones by the second half of 2024.

Amazon reveals first photos of the new Prime Air delivery drone

This is what MK30 looks like.

The MK30 has half the noise of conventional drones and has twice the range. It is also possible to deliver even in light rain and high/low temperature weather conditions, where conventional drones cannot fly.

Amazon also announced the launch of a drone delivery program in College Station to deliver medical supplies to patients within 60 minutes of ordering.

Amazon Pharmacy: Get your medications delivered by drone

Amazon Pharmacy launches its first drone deliveries | TechCrunch

Get medications faster with drone delivery from Amazon Pharmacy - YouTube

Staff loading luggage onto an Amazon Prime Air drone.

The pharmaceutical drone delivery service is provided as part of

Amazon Pharmacy , a service that allows users to obtain prescriptions online, giving users access to over 500 treatments for influenza, pneumonia, asthma, and more.

At the distribution center, a team of specialized pharmacists will be supported by computer vision and AI to quickly prescribe medications.

'Drone delivery delivers products to your home faster than it would take to go out and pick them up, in many cases,' said John Love, vice president of Amazon Pharmacy. 'It's something that doesn't exist.'

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