What is the airline regulation that stands by before Amazon's unmanned airplane delivery service

Amazon,Delivery service "Amazon Prime Air" that delivers goods to home within 30 minutes after orderingTo promote it to practical use in 2015, but prior to this service which uses an unmanned aircraft (drone) with 8 rotating blades, the American airline regulation is standing up.

It was illegal for Amazon to shoot that drone video in the U.S., so it went abroad

About Amazon Prime Air, the concept movie has already been released, but this movie is filmed outside of the United States.

The reason is that in the United StatesFederal Aviation Administration(FAA) has strict regulations on drone, private companies can not fly drone. "Eastern Europe small countries etc can be a better option for Amazon"DC Area Drone User GroupTimothy Reuters headed by. The fact that "Amazon photographed the concept movie abroad" itself represents a slow response of the US government to the drone.

Regarding relaxation of criteria and deregulation of drawn into the US airspace which FAA has publishedRoadmapAnd itsProposed planAccording to the FAA, the FAA is adjusting the drone to be able to fly around the American sky, but it is quite a severe situation that "a small size drone will be able to fly in the US domestic sky by 2015". Also, it is expected that private companies will be able to fly drones further than 2015, Amazon's plan to launch Amazon Prime Air service in 2015 will be pretty tough at the moment It is. In addition, under the current rule, you can skip drone in the country only when you get special approval from FAA and people who fly in play.

In the United States, due to the strict regulations of FAA, even the test of the delivery service using the drone can not be done quite easily,In Australia the world's first dairy courier serviceIt is trying to start, and delivery experiments using drone are done in Germany as well.

German firm testing drones to deliver goods | GlobeNews

German courierDeutsche PostWe are starting the flight test of Drone by saying that drone can be used effectively when it is necessary to deliver the item quickly to a place where delivery is difficult. The content of the test is to load some drugs in a small drone,BonnIt is to air medicine from drugstores in the town to the opposite bank of the River River. We received flight permission from the local aviation authority, and we were permitted to transport baggage up to about 3 kg.

According to Thomas Kutsch, German post spokeswoman, "This flight is still like an experimental stage, so there is no concrete plan to actually start deliveries using drone."

in Note, Posted by logu_ii