'Firefox 117' official release, CSS nesting support & rendering style of formulas can be specified

The official version of the web browser ' Firefox 117 ' has been released. In addition to support for CSS nesting, updates include enhancements to developer tools and the addition of formula-related properties to CSS.

Firefox 117.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes


◆ Changes for developers
- Supports CSS nesting and '&' selector
Added support for nested CSS following Chrome and Safari. It also supports '&' which is a selector for direct concatenation with upper rules in nested CSS. For example, if you write nested code like this:
[code].a {
/* describe the style of the class='a' element */
.b {
/* describe the style of the class='b' element under the class='a' element */
&.b {
/* describe the style of the class='ab' element */

The code above is interpreted identically to the code below.
[code].a {
/* describe the style of the class='a' element */
.a .b {
/* describe the style of the class='b' element under the class='a' element */
.ab {
/* describe the style of the class='ab' element */

- If 'persistent log' is enabled in the console, the log will not be cleared even if you use Console.clear()
'Persistent log' can be enabled/disabled from the gear mark in the upper right corner of the console tab of the developer tools.

・Display the support status of other browsers and versions with icons
The Compatibility tab in the Developer Tools inspector now clearly shows icons for properties that are not supported by other browsers or versions.

・Supports '

math-style ' and ' math-depth '
Added 'math-style' and 'math-depth' properties for resizing math when rendering. By specifying 'compact' in math-style, it is possible to render mathematical expressions at the same height as normal characters. At the same time, the 'math' keyword has been added to the font-size property.

・Support RTCRtpScriptTransform


◆Other changes
・Increase the range of automatic input of credit cards
Firefox 117 now supports credit card autofill when using Firefox in five new locales: IT, ES, AT, BE, and PL.

・ It is possible to set 'Shift + right click' not to be treated specially.
In Firefox, the handling changes internally depending on whether the Shift key is pressed or not when right-clicking. For example, even sites that prohibit right-clicking were ignored and the context menu was displayed. However, if the website is created on the premise of using Shift + right click, it may not work properly. You can now configure to match clicks.

To stop the special treatment of Shift + right click, open the 'about: config' page, enter 'dom.event.contextmenu.shift_suppresses_event' in the search window, and switch the setting to 'false'.

・On macOS, it is now possible to set the tab key to move the focus of forms and links.
- Allow screen readers to navigate the YouTube movie list correctly
- Use system standard screen sharing indicator in Wayland desktop environment

Firefox 117 also includes multiple security bug fixes .

The next major version, 'Firefox 118', will be released on September 26, 2023, local time.

in Software, Posted by log1d_ts