``PARM Anno potato'' tasting review that melts in your mouth with a sweet sweetness like the honey of Anno potato

On August 21, 2023 (Monday), ' PARM Anno potato ' using sweet potato Anno potato with high sugar content appeared in Morinaga Milk Industry's popular bar ice 'PARM'. “PARM Annoimo” is a flavor that appeared in 2022, and it is said that it was a big hit about 1.5 times compared to the flavor product released in the previous year, and it will be revived in 2023 in response to voices of expectations. I actually tried eating such 'PARM Anno potato'.

``PARM (Palm) Anno Potato'' will be released for a limited time nationwide from Monday, August 21 | News Releases | Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.


PARM (Palm) Anno Potato | Ice Cream | Product Introduction | Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.

I bought 'PARM Anno potato'. It is a flavor for a limited time, and it is 6 bottles per box.

By type is 'ice cream', looking at the raw material names, in addition to 'dairy products', 'white chocolate coaching', 'sugar', 'starch syrup', 'sweet potato processed products (Anno potato, sugar)' was written. Ta.

The calorie is 125kcal per bottle (55ml).

'PARM Anno potato' is wrapped one by one.

I took off the packaging bag. The outside is covered with a white chocolate coating, giving it a pure white appearance.

I was worried about the contents, so I cut it with a kitchen knife. The contents wrapped in white chocolate coaching were yellow, reminiscent of sweet potatoes.

When I try to eat it, the ice cream part wrapped in a thin and crisp white chocolate coaching is very smooth and smooth. And the fragrant flavor and sweetness of potatoes spreads throughout your mouth. The scent was just like eating a baked sweet potato, and I could feel the sticky and gentle sweetness of honey.

``PARM Anno potato'' contains 6 ice bars per box and can be purchased from August 21, 2023 (Monday) at a suggested retail price of 510 yen including tax.

in Tasting, Posted by log1i_yk