`` Fingers get entangled '' The unlocking puzzle game `` Slide to unlock '' that allows a unique experience was released for free, so I tried playing it

In the early days of smartphones, the unlocking method 'slide to unlock' was widely used. ' Slide to unlock ', which sublimates this unlocking method into a puzzle game, was released for free, so I tried playing it.

Slide to unlock


When you access Slide to unlock, you will see a slider like the one below. Since all operations are performed by tapping, it is necessary to play on a smartphone or tablet instead of a PC.

The rules of the game are simple, just drag the circle at the end of the slider and overlap it with the circle at the other end. There are two circles in the slider, but it is OK to move either circle.

The actual play movie is below. There is a 'frustration bar' element where the circle returns to the initial position when the finger is far off the slider, but it can be easily cleared because there is only one slider.

Play the initial stage of the free web application 'Slide to unlock' - YouTube

However, as the game progresses, two sliders appear at the same time.

Since you need to touch the circles in the two sliders at the same time, you will inevitably use both hands to operate.

There is also a stage where the following sliders intertwine with each other.

When the sliders get entangled with each other, obstacles such as ``the fingers collide and cannot be moved'', ``the tips of the fingers cannot be seen and the course goes off'', and ``the fingers get entangled and the fingers come off the circle'' occur, and the difficulty level increases. surge. Since it is necessary to select which of the two circles in the slider to operate, the puzzle game-likeness increases at once.

Below is how to move two sliders at the same time and aim for clear. You can see that the gameplay has increased as the number of sliders to operate has increased.

Play free puzzle game 'Slide to unlock' with two fingers - YouTube

The following stages were particularly difficult.

There are too many intersection points, and even if you take the countermeasure of 'crossing your fingers in advance', your fingers will get entangled and you can not clear it at all.

Once I took a break, an idea came to my mind and I managed to clear it. You can check the state of clearing by playing the following movie, but I recommend that you try to solve it with your own power first.

How to clear the high difficulty stage of the free puzzle game 'Slide to unlock' [with spoilers] - YouTube

If you break through the stage that uses two fingers, you will need three fingers this time.

At this point, the fingers are entangled and it becomes like a twister game, and it is difficult to operate as expected. This 'finger entanglement' experience alone is interesting, so if you're interested, please play it.

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1o_hf