Open source and commercially available language model 'MPT-7B' release, accepting sentences twice as long as GPT-4

MosaicML, a company that provides systems for machine learning training, has introduced a new standard for open source and commercially available large-scale language models (LLM) ' MPT (MosaicML Pretrained Transformer)-7B '. A basic model of MPT and three variations that can be built on this basic model have been published.

Introducing MPT-7B: A New Standard for Open-Source, Commercially Usable LLMs

MPT-7B has the same quality as Meta's large-scale language model '

LLaMA ' with 7 billion parameters 'LLaMA-7B', and outperforms 7B to 20B open source language models for standard tasks. shows performance.

There are four variations of MPT-7B as follows.

◆MPT-7B Base
MPT-7B Base is a decoder-style transformer with 67 billion parameters, trained on 1 trillion tokens of text and code managed by MosaicML's data team.

The MPT-7B-StoryWriter-65k+ is a model designed for reading and writing stories with very long context lengths. It is capable of inferring over 65,000 tokens and has demonstrated operation with 84,000 tokens on a single node with A100-80GB GPU.

MPT-7B-Instruct is a model for following short-form instructions.

MPT-7B-Chat is a chatbot-like model for dialogue generation. Built by fine-tuning MPT-7B with the ShareGPT-Vicuna, HC3, Alpaca, Helpful and Harmless and Evol-Instruct datasets.

Since the demo page was actually published, I tried the demo of MPT-7B-Instruct . Referring to the example question 'What is a quoll? (What is a possum?)' written by MosaicLM, first enter 'What is a Tasmanian Devil?' in Japanese and click 'Send'. bottom. Then, MPT-7B-Instruct output the answer, 'Tasmanian Devil is a word that means'Tasuma no Azaru' in Japanese.'

Enter in English this time. It seems to output a plausible answer, but it contains the wrong answer 'My alias is thylacine' and meaningless footnote numbers such as '[1]'. rice field. It doesn't seem to be copied directly from the English Wikipedia, so it's unclear where the footnote came from.

When I tried it with ChatGPT (GPT-3.5), the following sentence was generated.

This time I copied and entered the prompt exactly from the example question on the demo page. Then, I output '3 days Thailand travel blog' with about 900 characters. All proper nouns that appeared in the answers, such as

U-Tapao International Airport and The Royal Cliff Hotels Group , were related to the content of the answers.

When I asked a similar question on ChatGPT, the answer was output in about 1900 characters.

Most open source language models can only handle sequences up to a few thousand tokens. However, with the MosaicML platform and a single 8xA100-40GB node, MPT-7B can be easily tweaked to handle up to 65,000 context lengths.

MPT-7B-StoryWriter-65k+ is a model that can process 65,000 tokens. This is double GPT-4, which can handle about 8,000 or about 32,000 tokens. When MPT-7B reads a novel '

Great Gatsby ' with less than 68,000 tokens as a trial, it reads in about 20 seconds (150,000 words per minute) and generates an epilogue in response to the prompt 'Epilogue' It is said that he succeeded in doing so.

It is said that the four models were successfully built in just a few weeks, and it is quite possible that similar models will be born one after another in the future. MosaicML says, “Think of MPT-7B as a demonstration. MPT-7B is just the beginning. We will continue to create quality basic models, and some models are already being trained. Please look forward to it.”

in Software, Posted by log1p_kr