The source code of ``3DO version DOOM'' called ``worst ported version'' is being released on GitHub by the developer of the ported version
Released in 1993, the masterpiece '
GitHub - Olde-Skuul/doom3do: The complete archive for DOOM for the 3DO
3DO was devised in 1990 by Trip Hawkins, the founder of Electronic Arts, as a 'unification of 32-bit multimedia terminals'. Starting with Electronic Arts, Konami, Capcom, Warp, etc. have released titles for 3DO. In 1994, Matsushita Electric (Panasonic) released the 3DO compatible game machine '3DO REAL'.
by Neil.
According to Mr. Heinemann himself in 2015, the porting of DOOM for 3DO was originally planned to be done by a game development company called Art Data Interactive purchasing the rights. However, Art Data Interactive did not have staff who could perform porting work, so it seems that the porting project came under Mr. Heinemann, who was working at another company at the time.
Art Data Interactive told Mr. Heinemann, ``The project is progressing smoothly, and we just need to make fine adjustments,'' and Art Data Interactive knew the track record of porting Wolfenstein 3D to 3DO in the past. Mr. Heinemann seems to have accepted with confidence, but in reality almost nothing was progressing. However, since the release date was already decided, the 3DO version DOOM was developed with a fairly tight schedule of porting work in just two and a half months.
As a result, the resulting 3DO version of DOOM has a very low resolution and a low frame rate, making it a game that forces you to play with ``scary images on a small screen''. Therefore, it seems that the 3DO version DOOM is sometimes evaluated among fans as `` the worst ported version to a home game machine ''.
You can see what kind of game the 3DO version DOOM is finished by watching the following movie.
DOOM 3DO-YouTube
According to Mr. Heinemann, 3DO's OS was designed on the premise that the application was started and purged, and there were many bugs due to memory leaks. If you try to load the 3DO logo or the logo of the development company at startup, 3DO will leak memory. By creating two and purging them from memory after running those apps, it seems that the main part of the game can be executed without memory leaks.
Also, there was a bug in the compiler attached to 3DO, so it was necessary to create a C language standard library independently. Furthermore, the game engine used could not use 3D perspective, and there was a problem that textures would become strange if all stages were implemented with a game engine. Since there was no time to fix this problem, it seems that the floor and ceiling of 3DO version DOOM are drawn with software rendering.
Heinemann said, ``I hope you can learn something from the 3DO version of DOOM's source code, and I'm glad you asked me about the hell I went through to make this game. If I had the time, I think it would have been the best port instead of the worst.'
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