Saudi Arabia Crown Prince announces the future city plan 'THE LINE' that packs 9 million people into a huge mirrored space with a total length of 170 km and a height of 500 m

On July 26, 2022 local time, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince
Khaleej Talks
Saudi Arabia The Line: Designs unveiled for one-building city as part of the Neom project - CNN Style
At the time of writing, about 56% of the world's population lives in cities, making urban sustainability and public welfare an important issue for governments. In order to solve the various problems faced by cities, the Saudi Arabian government has created an urban space that overturns conventional concepts through the revolutionary smart city concept 'NEOM' and its pioneering building 'THE LINE'. I am trying to define.
A video explaining the plan and design of THE LINE announced by Prince Salman on July 26 is available on YouTube.
NEOM | What is THE LINE?-YouTube
Humans have long lived in polluted cities that ignore nature.

Integrate the cities spread on the plane with high density ... ...

The basic concept of THE LINE is to create a city that looks like a single line. THE LINE was built on a scale of 500 m in height, 200 m in width, and 170 km in length, and it is said that 9 million people can live in an area of only 34 square km. THE LINE claims that by reducing the urban area and improving the density of residence, we can reduce the footprint of infrastructure and make the city function more efficiently than ever before.

In a city in a three-dimensional space surrounded by two walls ......

Various facilities necessary for daily life can be reached within a mere 5-minute walk. It is said that reducing car traffic will lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.
In addition, a high-speed maglev train has also opened in the city, and it is possible to move from end to end in 20 minutes.

In order to save people's time and effort, we aim to provide autonomous services using AI.

The outer wall is mirrored ... ...

Using a natural ventilation system, the inside is kept in a slightly warm climate all year round.

The energy and water required inside THE LINE is 100% renewable.

It has a structure of interconnected modules that can accommodate about 80,000 people.

The fact that you can immediately access the surrounding nature is also attractive.

The location in the northwestern part of Saudi Arabia is convenient for access to other countries, and it seems that 40% of the world's population can be reached within 6 hours by air.

The interior of THE LINE has a structure in which multiple layers overlap, and you can interact with nature just by walking for about 2 minutes on each layer.

He argues that vertical cities will increase efficiency through planned logistics and modular construction using advanced technology, and that high population densities will create rich experiences and business opportunities.

In a statement on the official website, Prince Salman said, 'THE LINE will address the challenges facing today's city dwellers and shed light on new ways of living. We cannot ignore the problem of pollution and the environmental crisis.NEOM will be at the forefront of addressing these challenges, providing new and imaginative solutions.NEOM has the best talent in design, optics and construction. I will lead the team by , to make the idea of an upward building a reality.'
CNN, an overseas media outlet, points out that some critics have raised doubts about the feasibility of THE LINE, and that some people describe the city itself as ``dystopian''. Saudi Arabia's heavy-handed government maintains a strict death penalty; It cites problems such as being forced to work.
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