What is the purpose of the movie depicting the "dark city of the future" made by the US Department of Defense?

Department of Defense (Pentagon)A movie depicting the figure of "the future giant city" created byThe InterceptI got it. In the movie about 5 minutes that was used in the lecture of Pentagon's Joint Special Operations University (JSOU), the problem that will be held in the future mega city (mega city) where many people concentrate is drawn.

Pentagon Video Warns of "Unavoidable" Dystopian Future for World's Biggest Cities

The city of the future that the Department of Defense thinks can be confirmed in the following movie.

MUST WATCH - Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity - A Pentagon Video - YouTube

The theme of the movie is "MGACITYES URBAN FUTURE the emerging complexity (a huge city of the future, emerging complexity)"

By 2030 urban space will expand to 1.4 billion people, including developing countries.

60% of the world's population and 70% of the world's GDP concentrate in the city ... ...

60% of urban residents are occupied by young people under the age of 18.

The rapidly growing urban environment, which has never before been squeezed resources ... ...

Immoral acts are full and there will be a government overloaded and budget deficient.

And the risk of natural disasters also increases.

The rapid growth of the city is a rich person ... ...

It creates isolation from the poor.

Also, religious tensions and vibrations are born.

Unprecedented stagnation conditions will also exist.

There are devastated slums spread around urban cities that enjoy technological advances.

This is the future we welcome.

It is obvious that the preparation is insufficient, but it is a future that can not be avoided.

Infrastructure development in the future city is radical.

High-speed train and ...

Harbor and airport

Power generation facilities using natural energy.

On the other hand, problems such as environmental pollution are also involved.

The conflict between traditional lifestyle and modern lifestyle becomes an opportunity to evoke the criminal network.

Independent anti-governmental organizations without state premises function in the shadow of international rules.

Like the physical space, the digital space spreads endlessly.

Due to the huge scale and complexity of MegaCity, 99% of people can get support, while 1% will be afraid.

There are two fundamental options in this world. "Avoid the city" or "establish emergency line"

This principle was polished in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We are facing unpredictable circumstances to the heroes of the past war.

The threat faced requires demanding a radical new way to improve principles and military force. Future armies will face the highly sophisticated urban threats.

According to The Intercept, this movie was partly used in the lecture of "Advanced anti-terrorism course" at JSOU. A dark future is drawn in a movie created for special troops that are regarded as the most elite organization in the US military. Mr. William Layer of Army spokeswoman told The Intercept, "The movie was produced in the spring of 2014 and has the hope that the video producer should remain anonymous" I heard that I responded by e-mail.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log