Aerial photography of the megacity 'THE LINE' under construction in Saudi Arabia with a drone
A plan to build a future city where 9 million people can live in a mirrored building with a total length of 170 km, a height of 500 m and a width of 200 m is underway under the Saudi government. The foundation work began immediately, and the situation was filmed with a drone.
Drone footage reveals The Line under construction in Saudi Arabia
Drone footage reveals The Line megacity under construction in Saudi Arabia - YouTube
It was projected in a desolate desert area in the northwestern part of Saudi Arabia. Several trucks are lined up in a space where there are only dirt and rocks.
Trucks coming one after another.
A worker watching over a construction site. A few truck-high 'grooves' have already been carved.
A truck carrying out sand and an empty truck coming from the other side.
The excavator is scraping out the soil.
You can also see something like a temporary toilet and a bus that seems to be for pick-up.
The video ends here, but it was a movie that certainly felt that the ridiculous plan was 'actually starting' from the conception. The concept of 'THE LINE' is explained in detail in the following article.
Saudi Arabia Crown Prince announces future city plan ``THE LINE'' that packs 9 million people into a huge space with a total length of 170 km and a height of 500 m - GIGAZINE
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