It was recorded in the site director's diary that the pyramid was built by the power of the Nile and large-scale civil engineering work.

It is said that the pyramids that exist in Egypt were built around 2500 BC, but how did you carry and stack 3 million stones, each weighing about 2 tons? There are still many mysteries. Meanwhile, when a team investigating in Egypt investigated the documents describing the state of construction at that time, the stone used for the pyramid was cut out from a quarry far away and put on a ship, and the Nile River was used. It is known that he built an artificial canal and carried it near the pyramid.

Egypt's Great Pyramid: The New Evidence --All 4

Who Built Ancient Egypt's Great Pyramid? Hidden Text Holds Clues to Thousand-Year-Old Mystery

This record was written on the papyrus by a man named 'Merrell' who organized the team that was carrying stones at the time of the construction of the pyramid, and the port 'Waddy' about 200 km away from Giza where the pyramid is located. It was discovered in 'Al Gerf'. According to the record, 'one of the oldest surviving papyruses in the world,' the research team took a stone from Luxor, about 800 km from the Pyramids of Giza, and carried it along the Nile to Giza downstream. In addition, it is stated that it was transported using a canal that extended to near the pyramid construction site.

The megalithic transport plan for the pyramids is spectacular, with extensive civil engineering work to partially alter the flow of the Nile so that transport ships can reach the immediate side of the pyramid under construction with megaliths. It was said that it was. The CG that reproduces the situation at that time depicts a landscape where a harbor is created on the side of the pyramid in the middle of being made and ships can enter.

Merrell's papyrus is well known among those who are trying to solve the mystery of the pyramid, and it is said that it has been deciphered and analyzed as a valuable document that keeps records at that time. Apart from this papyrus, the traces of festive ships and waterways found on the side of King Khufu's Pyramid, and the evidence of how the ship was built at the time, all come together to give scientists some inspiration. It seems that it became.

The wreckage of a ship buried in the pyramid, allegedly for King Khufu to ride and take command after his death. The research team took the shape of this wreckage with a 3D laser scanner and investigated the structure of the ship at that time.

The research team is actually conducting a reproduction experiment to reproduce the ship at that time and carry stones. According to the wreckage of the excavated ship and the records showing how to make the ship found elsewhere, the ship of about 8 meters in length does not use any nails, and the entire hull is a rope of about 5 km in length. It seems that the method of connecting the parts of was taken, and the team reproduces the method of making at that time as it is.

Construction is a series of difficulties, and we face various problems such as water entering the ship. However, it has been confirmed that it is strong enough to carry about 2 tons of megaliths.

A research team that succeeded in transporting megaliths that way. Confirmed that the stone can be brought to the side of the pyramid and processed.

The stones carried in this way were piled up to form a pyramid. However, the method of stacking about 2 tons of stones remains a mystery. According to one theory, a huge slope was made of soil next to the pyramid and carried by many people, but no evidence has yet been found.

It is believed that the pyramids created by such large-scale civil engineering work were not just a project to build a royal tomb, but also became the basis of the building technology that formed the city of Egypt itself.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log