Pornography was displayed on the top page of Twitch, so the function of 'promoting distribution for viewers' charges' stopped

Twitch was testing a feature called 'Boost Train' that would allow viewers to pay to display streamer channels on the front page, but Twitch users abused this feature to twitch porn videos. This function has been suspended because it was displayed on the front page of.
Twitch's new boost feature disabled after porn appears on front page --Dot Esports
Twitch halts paid channel boosts after people pay to get porn on the front page | PC Gamer
Twitch suspends paid channel boosts after trolls promote porn to front page
Twitch suspends boost train feature after porn added to front page •
The 'Boosting' feature, which locks streamer distribution to the front page of the site, was introduced in December 2020. This feature allows users to boost their favorite distribution channels, pin the distribution to the prominent parts of Twitch, and promote their favorite distribution to other users.
Initially, it was possible to boost distribution using free channel points, but in September 2021 it will be announced that distribution can be boosted at the expense of viewers. Since Boosting was able to promote the channel not only by the viewer but also by the distributor himself, some criticized it as 'a function that gives preferential treatment to already popular channels (channels with financial power)'. It was raised.
Absolutely terrible. Please do not do this feature @Twitch . It's hard for me to think of positives here. Smaller streamers are struggling to be discovered which makes it challenging to grow and make enough money. Boosts feel like a new penalty for already struggling streamers
— Sean Plott (@ day9tv) September 30, 2021
In response to this reaction, Twitch ended the Boosting feature in late 2021. Instead, it exposes another feature called 'Boost Train' that allows viewers to buy a channel subscription or bits and promote the channel like Boosting.
However, from around March 30, 2022, it began to be reported on Twitter and Reddit that the channel that distributes pornography using this Boost Train has been fixed on the front page of Twitch. The channel in question was tagged as 'promoted by the streamer community,' so it's clear that it's a channel advertised on Boost Train.
Hey @Twitch ... that 'Pay for Promo' thing you introduced just put this on my front page in my recommended ...
— ???? Danielle ???? (@ thenoosh22) March 30, 2022
After these reports became a hot topic, Twitch announced that it would suspend testing the Boost Train. However, it does not explain the detailed reason for suspending Boost Train, nor does it mention whether the function will come back in the future.
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