May be banned when trying to play 'Destiny 2' on Steam Deck

Valve, which operates the game sales platform Steam, released the gaming PC '
Bungie rejects Steam Deck's Linux, threatens to ban Destiny 2 players there --The Verge
Wario64 , who has posted game-related sales information on Twitter, discovered that playing Destiny 2 on Steam Deck could result in a ban. According to Wario64, the official Destiny 2 help page has an additional section on how it works with Steam Deck: 'Destiny 2 only works in Windows environments, and Linux environments such as Steam Deck are not supported.' Not only is it written, but if you try to force this Destiny 2 to work in a Linux environment, it will be subject to BAN.
Destiny 2 is not supported for Steam Deck or any system utilizing Steam Play's Proton unless Windows is installed and running.
— Wario64 (@ Wario64) March 1, 2022
Players attempting to bypass Destiny 2 incompatibility will be met with a game ban
The IT news site The Verge interviewed Bungie, the game studio that developed Destiny 2 in October 2021, saying, 'Destiny 2 works on both home video games and PCs.' Destiny 2 uses the anti-cheat system BattlEye and is also enabled on Steam Deck. ”“ Destiny 2 can also be run on Linux. ”
by greyloch
Steam is developing an open source compatible software ' Proton ' that allows games for Windows to be played on Linux, and will adopt BattlEye in November 2021 ' Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ' and ' ARK: Survival '. It has been announced that Evolved now works fine on Proton. However, at the time of writing, the official Destiny 2 help page states that 'Destiny 2 is not compatible with the Proton environment.'
Similarly, it has been announced that Epic Games' popular battle royale game ' Fort Knight ' will not be compatible with Steam Deck. Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, explained why it wasn't supported: 'It's very difficult to service because of the various incompatible configurations,' and using cheat tools on Linux with custom kernels. It is explained that it is difficult to prevent cheating such as.
With regard to anti-cheat on the Linux platform supporting custom kernels and the threat model to a game of Fortnite's size, YES THAT'S EXACTLY RIGHT!
— Tim Sweeney (@TimSweeneyEpic) February 7, 2022
The Verge requested comments from Bungie and Valve, but said they hadn't received an answer at the time of writing the article.
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