'Russia is unfairly seated in the permanent members of the UN Security Council,' the UN ambassador to Ukraine claims.

The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which have been given superior positions such as having ' veto power ', are the United States, France, China, the United Kingdom, and Russia. It is stated in the UN Charter that these five countries are permanent members, and the status will not change unless the charter is amended. Is totally suspicious, 'said European Pravda in the Ukrainian media.
Russia Has Illegally Gained UN Security Council Seat. It Should Be Fixed | European Pravda
In an article published by European Pravda on February 8, 2022, Ukraine's UN special envoy, Ambassador Sergi Kishritsa, claims that 'there is no official record confirming Russia's accession to the United Nations.' Because, according to the UN Covenant, the seat of the permanent member of the Security Council belongs to the Soviet Union, and Russia is not a member of the UN Security Council.
The Charter of the United Nations was signed by 50 countries at the 'San Francisco Conference' in June 1945 to establish the United Nations. The document is signed by the Soviet Union (SSR), Ukrainian SSR, and Belarus SSR, but not by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Soviet Russia, which was a separate member of the Soviet Union at the time, said Ambassador Kishritsa. increase.

On December 21, 1991, the leaders of the former Soviet Union decided that the Soviet Union would disappear. Just at the UN Security Council in December 1991, the Soviet Union was the presidency, saying, 'The UN Secretariat intends to be the successor to the UN and the Security Council from Russian President Boris Yeltsin. I received the letter. '
However, Ambassador Kishritsa argues that the UN Charter defines 'America, France, China, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union' as permanent members, and only Russia has passed proper procedures and is a permanent member. I'm sitting in the country seat. For Russia to be a proper permanent member of the Security Council, it must vote at the Security Council, vote at the General Assembly, and ratify the revision of the Charter of the United Nations in at least two-thirds of the UN member states.

Ambassador Kishritsa said, 'Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations states that any peaceful country can join the United Nations. It must be peaceful. This is Russia. It is filled with all but all nations. ' Only Russia is allowed to break the basic rules in 1991 when the Soviet Union unexpectedly disappeared and the world panicked in order to control the Soviet nuclear weapons and conventional weapons. I just had to leave it to him.
Another major problem pointed out by Ambassador Kishritsa is that 'the United Nations is hiding documents.' When Ukrainian staff asked the UN Secretariat's archives to go to the UN Secretariat's archives for legal analysis of detailed documents, Secretariat officials said, 'I can show you this, but this. It's not good because it's confidential. '
The United Nations is afraid of the truth about Russia's accession to the United Nations because there are 'customary norms' in international law, and if Russia had an illegal seat, 'What will happen to the decision that Russia participated in? Russia Ambassador Kishritsa explains that the fact that 'what will happen to the decision that has triggered the right of refusal?' Can no longer be justified. Ambassador Kishritsa said, 'My top priority as an ambassador is negotiations on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but I will continue to demand the United Nations. If the United Nations continues to implement the Charter, a rule-based world. The United Nations will confess that the security system does not exist on Earth. '
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