ChatGPT developer OpenAI sued by Elon Musk says ``Elon wanted absolute control of OpenAI''

OpenAI has refuted the lawsuit filed by entrepreneur Elon Musk against OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, on its own blog. OpenAI pointed out that Mr. Musk wanted to either ``merger OpenAI and Tesla'' or ``acquire a majority stake in OpenAI, gain control of the board of directors, and become CEO.''
OpenAI and Elon Musk

OpenAI says Elon Musk wanted 'absolute control' of the company - The Verge
In March 2024, Elon Musk sued OpenAI, an AI development organization that he helped found. Mr. Musk claims that OpenAI, which was supposed to be launched as a non-profit organization to develop open source AGI (artificial general intelligence), has turned into a de facto subsidiary of Microsoft. Musk asked the court to force OpenAI back into being a nonprofit organization that develops open source software, and to prevent Sam Altman and Greg Brockman from using OpenAI and its assets for financial gain. They asked for an order prohibiting Microsoft from using OpenAI for the benefit of Microsoft or any other entity.
Elon Musk sues ChatGPT developer OpenAI, claiming it is a ``de facto subsidiary of Microsoft'' - GIGAZINE

In response to this lawsuit, OpenAI stated on its blog that it will move toward having all claims by Mr. Musk withdrawn.
In response to Musk's claim that ``OpenAI is abandoning its original mission as a nonprofit organization,'' OpenAI said, ``We are having discussions about the need to become a for-profit organization in order to further our mission.'' At that time, Mr. Musk will either merge OpenAI with Tesla or Mr. Musk will acquire complete control of OpenAI (= acquisition of majority stock, acquisition of control of the board of directors, appointment of Mr. Musk as CEO) )” he wrote.
OpenAI rejected the proposal because 'we felt that giving a private individual complete control of OpenAI was a decision that was contrary to our mission. We could not agree to a commercial contract with Mr. Musk.' I explained.
In his lawsuit, Musk claims that OpenAI has 'become a de facto closed-source subsidiary' of Microsoft focused on making money rather than benefiting humanity. They claim that this is an abandonment of OpenAI's original mission of ``for the benefit of humanity,'' and a breach of contract with Mr. Musk, who was involved in providing funding.
However, the 'contract' that Mr. Mask signed with OpenAI has not been made public, and OpenAI has not mentioned in its blog whether a contract exists or not.
In response to criticism that OpenAI has stopped open sourcing its own development status, the company asserted, ``Elon understood that our mission did not mean ``open sourcing AGI.'' doing.
The following email exchanged within OpenAI in January 2016 was presented as evidence of this.

In an email, Ilya Satskyvar, one of OpenAI's co-founders, said, ``It's not surprising that the closer we get to building AI, the less open we are.'' ``It's completely fine if we don't share the science.'' It can be seen that Mr. Mask replied, ``Yes,'' to which he sent an email saying ``No,'' to those involved.
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in Note, Posted by logu_ii