Experts explain whether 'fruits' should be avoided in a diet that removes sugar and carbohydrates

Many people think that a low-carbohydrate / low-carbohydrate diet is effective for weight loss. However, even if you say 'reduce sugar' in a word, there is a big difference between reducing the intake of refined sugar and reducing the intake of fruits and grains. Associate Professor Jennifer Luke of Morehouse College School of Medicine, an expert in preventive medicine, explains why 'eating fruits' is important for preventing and improving symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Sugar detox? Cutting carbs? A doctor explains why you should keep fruit on the menu
◆ Is it good for your health to remove carbohydrates and sugars?
Many people have heard of 'reducing carbohydrate and sugar intake' as a way to lose weight and shape up. However, Luke describes 'sugar detox' as a 'waste of time.' Sugar is necessary for the body, and even if you do not take sugar from your diet, the liver will convert protein into glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis.
There are also studies showing that a 'diet that significantly reduces carbohydrates' is harmful to your health. For example, the following studies show that people on a carbohydrate-restricted diet, such as the Atkins diet , have a 32% higher risk of death than those on a regular diet.
Research results show that 'sugar-restricted diet' that refrains from ingesting sugar is not good for the body --GIGAZINE

A ketogenic diet that reduces the amount of carbohydrates has also been shown to be beneficial, but at the same time it has been pointed out that muscle destruction and fiber deficiency cause constipation.
◆ Things to watch out for when reducing sugar
One of Luke's patients was a woman with diabetes. This woman in 2019 is to increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, successful weight loss of 8.6kg in a way of reducing the intake of animal foods and candy, cookies, cake, serves as an indicator of blood glucose glycated hemoglobin The value of (HbA1c) has been reduced from 11.5% to 7.6%. However, women have been pointed out by their diabetes doctors and nurses that they are 'taking too much sugar from their plant-based diet,' and they are implementing a so-called 'low-carbohydrate diet,' in which they take a lot of sugar-restricted protein. He then ate a 'sugar-free' candy, cookie, and artificial sweetener diet as recommended by doctors and nurses. As a result, female HbA1c has returned to 10.4%.
◆ Should I eat less fruit?
Carbohydrates and sugars are often a villain for your health, but Luke's recommended 'plant-based diet' increases your carbohydrate intake. However, patients with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure can improve their symptoms by eating a plant-based diet. This is because there is an 'urban legend' regarding sugar and carbohydrates.
The first thing that should be understood correctly is the true nature of 'sugar.' There are three main types of sugar: glucose (dextrose), fructose (fructose), and sucrose (sucrose). Of these, glucose is mainly used by cells for energy.
Glucose constitutes a molecule of carbohydrate, and the state in which multiple glucoses are connected is called starch.

Basically, humans have evolved to desire a 'sweet taste' to get the nutrients they need to survive. We cannot produce vitamins, minerals, plant fibers, etc. in our body. Since the source of these substances is sweet and ripe fruits, it makes sense for humans to want 'sweets.' In addition to vitamins and minerals, ellagic acid in strawberries is an antioxidant produced only by plants and has been shown to help fight cancer and improve heart health.
Highly processed and refined sugar, on the other hand, is a 'carbohydrate-enriched form' with all nutrients removed except calories. Typical examples are table sugar and corn syrup , and continuous intake of these may create a vicious cycle of overeating without obtaining the necessary nutrients, causing health problems such as obesity. Conversely, women who eat more fruit have also been found to have a lower obesity rate.
◆ Sugar toxicity
The aforementioned 'refined sugar' is not directly toxic, but it may combine with proteins and fats in the bloodstream to produce substances such as AGEs. AGEs are said to exacerbate degenerative diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic renal failure and Alzheimer-type dementia.
Against this background, many people think that sugar causes type 2 diabetes, but if you reduce your sugar intake to lower your blood sugar, you'll lose pancreatic beta cells as a result. I'll do it, 'says Luke.
Beta cells synthesize insulin. Insulin controls glucose levels in the blood in the process of blocking glucose production in the liver and sending it to fat and muscle cells. When beta cells lose their function, they do not produce enough insulin and eventually high levels of glucose in the blood. This is one of the characteristics of type 2 diabetes.
Beta cells have low levels of antioxidants and are vulnerable to free radicals and AGEs. Past studies have shown that eating whole fruits reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes because antioxidants, which are high in fruits, protect beta cells.
For these reasons, while it is beneficial to eliminate extremely sweet foods with refined sugar, the intake of nutritious fruits and vegetables should be increased, Luke said. “When you stop taking refined sugar, your tongue becomes bottled by the natural sweetness of the fruit and you're happy with it,” Luke said.
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in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log