Eleven foods and drinks to refrain from eating to prevent aging
To prevent agingWalking a lot,I play musical instrumentsIt is said that it is effective, but that you can be careful about your everyday life is eating habitsHuff / Post 50Should proceed with aging and should avoid eatingEleven foods to aging youIs summarized.
Foods To Avoid: 11 Foods That Age You
◆ 01: Soda
Soda, often combined with sugar, tends to dehydrate the body. People get exhausted by this work and they look old. In order not to dehydrate the body, take moisture (ounce unit) of the numerical value of half of the body weight in pounds. In other words, it is recommended that 130 pounds (about 59 kg) drink 65 ounces (about 2 liters) of water per day.
ByPink Sherbet Photography
◆ 02: Sugar
Excess sugar taken into the body binds with collagen in the body, it has the function to harden the skin. Anne-Rosenstein'sDiet Myths Busted: Food Facts, Not Nutrition FictionAccording to what is written in the book saying that losing elasticity can make fine wrinkles in the back of the skin and make people look older.
◆ 03:Trans fatty acid
Trans fatty acids make your skin hard like sugar. Rosenstein 's book says that trans fatty acids have the function of reducing the flow of arteries and capillaries and curing them.
◆ 04: salt
When moisture is deprived from the human body, people are tired and weakened, but it is salt to take away water from the human body. In addition, overdose of salt may also cause kidney disease, hypertension and bone metabolism.
◆ 05: Coffee
Caffeine drinks such as coffee are also one of the drinks that acts to dehydrate people. Coffee makes people look exhausted.
◆ 06: Candy
Sugar contained in candy also causes burning in the body, increases wrinkles on the skin and weakens people.
◆ 07: artificial sweetener
Although it seems to be "artificial sweetener" if sugar is not good, even among artificial sweetenersAspartameIt is not only thought that it is related to headaches and joint pain, but also that it has an action that cravings sweeter. That means that if you ingest sugar, it is totally overwhelmed.
ByBukowsky 18
◆ 08: Alcohol
When alcohol is ingested in large quantities, moisture is deprived from the body, and fine wrinkles are formed on the skin. AlsoThe Dr. Oz ShowAccording to the fact that collagen is lost, softness and redness of the skin is also deprived.
◆ 09: Energy Drink
Energy drinks destroy teeth enamel and its damage seems to be eight times that of soda. The Dr. Oz Show noted that this erosion caused your teeth to turn yellow and look unhealthy.
BySergiu Bacioiu
◆ 10: Carbohydrate
WebMDAccording to it, carbohydrate intake too much may damage collagen and fibers in the skin.
◆ 11: fried food
Gal TimeAccording to him, deep-fried foods destroy collagen in the skin, make fine lines on the skin, and have a function to make people look exhausted.
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in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log