Experts say that it is important to 'eat with dietary fiber' instead of reducing carbohydrates for dieting

Among the diet methods that have been devised so far, many such as
Fiber is your body's natural guide to weight management – rather than cutting carbs out of your diet, eat them in their original fiber packaging instead original-fiber-packaging-instead-205159
Eating whole foods such as unprocessed fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods, legumes, and nuts almost always provides energy and fiber at the same time. The dietary fiber taken into the body in this way has the effect of delaying the absorption of sugar in the intestine, and by adjusting the function of the intestine and the balance of intestinal bacteria, it also helps regulate blood sugar levels and hunger. .
Regarding the function of dietary fiber, Mr. Dammann said, 'It is as if the food is packaged with dietary fiber along with an instruction manual that describes how to properly digest it.'

However, many modern people are eating without dietary fiber from food. These include white rice, refined flour, sugary breakfast cereals, snacks, and juices.
In order to avoid the negative effects of such low-fiber, high-refined-carbohydrate diets, low-carbohydrate diets, ketogenic diets, and
For example, a 2021 study showed that carbohydrate restriction induces ketosis , the biological process that extracts energy from fat during starvation and prolonged exercise. Studies have also shown that a low-carbohydrate diet can help you lose weight and improve blood pressure and inflammation problems.
On the other hand, there are also reports that the ketogenic diet adversely affects gut health, and it is difficult to maintain a ketogenic diet that avoids extreme carbohydrates, so it is difficult to maintain a ketogenic diet, so long-term effects on heart disease and cancer Some studies have concluded that they could not confirm

In addition, a 2021
Dammann believes that the reason for these seemingly contradictory studies is the quality of carbohydrates. Dietary fiber is also a type of carbohydrate, but unlike dietary fiber, which is not digested in the stomach or intestines, simple sugars and highly refined carbohydrates are energy that is easily digested and absorbed. Therefore, carbohydrate restriction may improve metabolic disorders and health.
``I think a more sustainable and effective way to improve health is to increase the proportion of unprocessed, slow-absorbing carbs—natural carbs, including dietary fiber,'' says Dammann. said.

Dammann lists whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables as natural carbohydrates. These foods rarely have a total carbohydrate to fiber ratio of more than 10:1, often 5:1.
It's hard to live on unprocessed foods, but Daman says processed foods are OK as long as the ratio of carbohydrates to fiber is kept at least 10:1, preferably 5:1. . It is also effective to take dietary fiber supplements with meals when eating sweets. A 2022

However, there are some cases where you need to be careful with your dietary fiber intake. For example, sugars called FODMAPS are sometimes treated as dietary fiber because they are difficult to digest and absorb. Symptoms of genital bowel syndrome may occur. According to Daman, foods with a lot of fodmaps include processed foods containing garlic powder and onion powder, onion vegetables, some dairy products containing lactose, and fruits such as apples, pears, and peaches.
At the end of the day, Mr. Dammann said, ``I don't recommend eating too many sweets, but as my three daughters often tell me, it's important to enjoy sweets once in a while. When it comes to having fun, you want to think about eating carbs along with a fiber package.'
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