Which method is actually effective among many dieting methods?

ByMahmoud 99725

There are various kinds even if saying "diet" bitefully, its effects and processes are also various. A movie that summarizes what is effective among such diet methods "Which Diets Actually Work?"Has been released.

Which Diets Actually Work? - YouTube

There are various dieting methods in the world, but among these, it is this movie that summarizes "what is scientifically effective?"

Body weight is made up of the balance between calorie ingested and burned calories. Therefore, if you consume a lot of calories the weight will increase and if you burn more calories the weight will decrease.

◆ Calorie restricted diet

"Calorie restricted diet" is that you can eat as much as you like if you are within the calorie intake a day, OK, what you eat and you want to consume calories.

However, given the health aspect, it is clear that such idea is wrong. It is very important to think about the nutritional value of food, and if you do not think about such a balance, there is a high possibility that you will suffer from chronic health problems such as heart disease and malnutrition.

◆ Calorie restricted diet considering optimum nutrition (CRON diet)
CRON diet is generally to reduce calorie intake by 20% from the required nutrient amount of the day. For example, if you eat a whole piece of apple, at the CRON diet you prefer to eat the part of the skin that contains most nutrients.

If calorie restriction can be done so as not to be proper and excessive, this leads to weight loss safely and effectively.

◆ Carbohydrate Limited Diet

"South Beach Diet"Atkins diet"Zone diet"This is a carbohydrate restricted diet that has the idea that" carbohydrates are enemies when creating ideal figure ".

These carbohydrate restricted diets assert the idea that "if you consume more carbohydrates than you burn, the liver will turn those carbohydrates into fat." However, for most healthy people and those with appropriate exercise, carbohydrates are broken down to glucose and transported as energy to cells in the body, and they rarely become fat.

Excessive glucose that was not delivered as energy to the cell, the body uses insulin as glycogen and accumulates in the liver and muscle. This glycogen is decomposed and reused when glucose is exhausted in the body.

However, among carbohydrates, "saccharides" such as honey, fruits and sugar seems to become fat more easily than "carbohydrates" such as grains and vegetables. If you ingest more energy than necessary and those ingested from saccharides, the calories that could not be burned easily become fat.

Carbohydrate diets may make extreme restrictions first. The limitation is not to ingest starch quality such as bread and pasta, but to forbid carbohydrate ingestion including alcohol derived from fruit and alcohol intake. Because of these powerful side effects, symptoms such as constipation, dry mouse, bad bad smell, fatigue, dizziness, nausea etc. are given to the person who carried out the carbohydrate diet.

Studies have shown that limiting carbohydrates first reduces weight as compared to calorie restriction, but this is probably due to lack of water, and it is often that they return to normal when diet restrictions disappear.

Atkins diet is a diet method to promote ingestion of calories from high fat and high protein. This means that meat, cheese, cream, butter and so on are recommended to be ingested, but many doctors are worried about increasing bad cholesterol and raising the risk of heart disease.

In other words, the carbohydrate diet is not dangerous and healthy. Restricting foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and apples also limits the opportunities to ingest trace amounts of vitamins and important trace nutrients for the body. There may be people who supplement missing nutrients with supplements, but from the non-natural foods body can not absorb vitamins, minerals, trace nutrients etc. efficiently so it should be recommended diet method It seems not to be.

◆ High protein diet

The main principle of high protein diet is to ingest protein-rich foods rather than carbohydrates which are "excellent food as energy as well as easy to breakdown in the body". In the case of a high protein diet, it takes a protein that is slower to digest than a carbohydrate, so it is good to have a stomach and the amount of meal a day decreases.

Paleo diet
Agriculture was born ten thousand years ago and the human diet has changed dramatically from what mainly meat of hunting nationality, wild fruits, vegetables, nuts and the like to those mainly composed of cereals. As a result, people emphasized that "human body is not designed to digest foods such as cereals, dairy products, bread". That is people who support pareo diet.

Some also argue that grain is also related to health problems related to inflammation. However, most of these argumentsCeliac diseaseIt seems to be contrary to facts that do not apply to patients.

Since the pareo diet breaks the ingestion of cereals and legumes, dietary fiber, which is a necessary nutrient to keep the intestine healthy, runs short. Also, because dietary fiber becomes deficient, there is a side effect that the fart smells.

◆ Fasting Diet

If you want to get thinner quickly, you may spend seven days alone with cabbage soup, or maybe ants. Also famous is "Saltwater in the morning, water · maple syrup · lemon · peppers during the day," Master Cleanse Diet "not to drink only good tea at night. However, there is no doubt that these dieting methods are extremely unhealthy.

Most of the human body weight comes from moisture, and if you lose them too much, it will be attacked by dizziness, fatigue, dehydration symptoms, nausea and so on.

Also, if you do Master Cleans Diet, your tongue may turn white. It is often thought that this is a sign indicating that toxins are missing from the body, but in reality it is said that the yeast is a sign transmitted in the mouth.

Also, even if we lose weight by doing such fasting diet, we can see that weight rebound is visible.

◆ Other crazy diet

The diet method of getting a feeling of fullness by soaking cotton in soup or juice is not recommended because it can hardly eat nutrition and cause intestinal obstruction.

There may also be a diet method that sleeps and does not eat food as much as possible. Since we can not consume food when we are sleeping, we may lose weight at first, but the metabolic rate will be slow and there is a possibility that it will become a body that is difficult to consume calories. And if you start eating again, your weight will return soon.

A researcher tracked the changes in weight of subjects over 6 years and it turned out that most of the subjects who had gone weighty in seven months returned their weights over the next few years . In addition, metabolism of subjects whose body weight has returned has become worse, and one man seems to have had less than 800 calories of metabolism per day than the standard value. This is the result of investigating the change in 6 years, so if you look at the longer span, there is also the possibility that a big influence is caused in the metabolism of the human body.

Amazingly, 97% of people are rebounding within 3 years, whatever dieting method is used. In other words, if you want to lose weight, you need to keep appropriate dietary intake and motivation, and gradually change consciousness and body shape.

in Video,   Junk Food, Posted by logu_ii