It turns out that concentration is cut off when stared at by a robot

When humans realize that they are being watched by someone, they become a little nervous and conscious of whether they are looking at an animal or a human being. A new study shows that even when humans realize they're being watched by an emotionless robot, nerves in their brains are affected, impairing their ability to concentrate.
Mutual gaze with a robot affects human neural activity and delays decision-making processes
When Robot Eyes Gaze Back at Humans, Something Changes in Our Brain And Behavior
When humans play with a humanoid robot, they delay their decisions when the robot looks at them - IITalk
Marwen Belcaid, a cognitive neuroscientist at the Italian Institute of Technology, conducted an experiment using the humanoid robot ' iCub ' developed by the Institute. A human subject who participated in the experiment sat facing the iCub and played a chicken race that ``make the car go straight and do the operation to avoid just before colliding with the car running from the front'' on the computer placed in front of it. . During this time, the subject was instructed to momentarily raise their eyes and look into the iCub's eyes shortly before being hit by the car. When iCub was seen by the subject, it performed the action of looking away or keeping eye contact.

This experiment revealed that when the subject continued to look at the iCub, the judgment of the operation tended to be slightly delayed compared to when the iCub looked away. Based on this, Belcaid et al. concluded that ``Even if the other person is a robot, when they recognize that they are being watched, their consciousness is distracted and their concentration is impaired.''
In addition, as a result of analyzing the brain waves read from the subject during the experiment, the brain waves that could be confirmed when the subject was kept looking at the iCub were similar to the brain waves seen in the scene where humans 'pay attention to something' It showed a pattern. From these, Belcaid et al. concluded that ``humans spend a lot of money on eye contact with robots and trying to ignore the robot's line of sight.''

Mr. Belkaid et al., ``A highly social robot with high communication ability may be useful to humans, such as iCub, which was developed for the purpose of treating autism. If placed in a place where it should be, it can also distract humans, and highly social robots are not necessarily beneficial to humans.'
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