Clearly that the learning speed dramatically increases when the light blinks according to the rhythm of the brain wave

When we measured the signal '

alpha wave ' emitted by the brain and conducted an experiment to blink the light based on the measured value, we found that the subject's learning speed improved significantly.

Learning at your brain's rhythm: individualized entrainment boosts learning for perceptual decisions | Cerebral Cortex | Oxford Academic

Tuning into brainwave rhythms speeds up learning in adults

Professor Zoe Kurzi, a neuroscientist at the University of Cambridge, attached an electroencephalograph sensor to the head of 80 subjects, read the electrical activity of the brain and measured the brain waves.

Mr. Kurzi et al. Focused on the `` alpha wave '', which is often seen when relaxing among brain waves, and blinked the light based on this measurement value. The mechanism was simple: a white square on a black background that flickered at the same tempo as the subject's alpha waves.

Subjects who experienced approximately 1.5 seconds of flickering then performed a cognitive task of finding a specific shape among randomly scattered shapes. By repeating over 800 cognitive tasks, they measured how quickly people progressed.

According to this experiment, subjects who were exposed to blinking with exactly the same rhythm as brain waves succeeded in learning at least three times faster than other groups. It seems that there was a significant difference from the group that made the blinking slower or faster than the brain wave.

In addition, when subjects exposed to blinking worked on a different task the next day, they maintained their high performance without being exposed to blinking. Lead author Dr. Elizabeth Michael said, ``It was very exciting to be able to clarify the conditions necessary to enhance learning effectiveness.''

Previous research has shown that when mothers and babies communicate, their brain waves are synchronized. It seems that the mechanism of this research is close to reflecting the way humans learn in infancy and is considered to be very effective.

``Using the rhythm of brain waves may enable flexible learning over a lifetime, from early childhood to old age,'' Kurzi said.

in Science, Posted by log1p_kr