The fastest clearing time of Monopoly is theoretically '21 seconds'

Born in the early 20th century, the real estate-themed board game '
The Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly: 21 Seconds – scatterplot
As a premise, there are two players participating in this fastest game. Initially, you have $ 1,500, throw two dice, and advance by the total number of rolls. However, if the two dice roll the same roll (doublet), throw the dice again.
◆ Player 1, 1st turn
・ First pitch: 6 and 6
Arrived at the 'electric power company' square. I got doublet, so I throw the dice again.
・ Second pitch: 6 and 6
Arrived at 'Illinois Street'. Take no action. I got doublet, so I throw the dice again.
・ Third pitch: 4 and 5
Arrived at the 'Joint Fund' square. Get $ 200 by drawing a card that says 'Banks make mistakes for you, get $ 200'. The money you have is $ 1,700.
◆ Player 2, 1st turn
・ 1st pitch: 2 and 2
Arrived at the 'income tax' square. Pay $ 130 and bring your money to $ 1370. I got doublet, so I throw the dice again.
・ 2nd pitch: 5 and 6
Arrived at 'Pennsylvania Railroad'. Do not act.

◆ Players 1st and 2nd turn
・ 1st pitch: 2 and 2
Arrived at Park Place. Buy a land title ($ 350). I have $ 1350 left. I got doublet, so I throw the dice again.
・ 2nd pitch: 1 and 1
Arrived at the boardwalk. Buy a land title ($ 400). I have $ 950 left. Now that you have monopolized the land of the dark blue color group, you can build a house. I got doublet, so I throw the dice again.
・ Third pitch: 3 and 1
Arrived at Baltic Street. Go through the GO mass and get $ 200. The money you have is $ 1150. Build 3 homes ($ 600) for boardwalk and 2 homes ($ 400) at Park Place. I have $ 150 left.
◆ Player 2nd and 2nd turn
・ 1st pitch: 3 and 4
Arrived at the 'Chance' square. I was told 'Go to the boardwalk', so go to the boardwalk. Bankruptcy and game over because $ 1400 is required to pay the rental fee for $ 1370 in possession. Player 1 wins.

The following movie actually played this theoretical value fastest. The gameplay part is from 7 seconds to 28 seconds when rolling the dice. The Monopoly is settled in just 21 seconds.
Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly --YouTube
It should be noted that the procedure described above is based on the assumption of luck-dependent factors such as the outcome of cards and dice, so it is not always a winning method. necessary. If you are confident in your absolute luck and the speed and accuracy of your game processing, break the 21-second barrier and become the 'fastest Monopoly player in the world'.
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in Game, Posted by log1i_yk