'Made in Abyss Retsuhi no Koganekyo' will be broadcast in 2022, and a 3D action RPG that challenges the depths of Abyss will also appear

In January 2020, 'the theater version of' Made in the Abyss '- Deep soul of dawn -' work has been published in accordance with the published
TV anime 'Made in Abyss Retsuhi no Koganekyo' 2022 TV anime broadcast decision! | Anime 'Made in Abyss' Official Website
The announced teaser visual looks like this.

In 2022, the same as the TV anime broadcast, it was also decided that

The game is a 3D action RPG in which the player himself descends into the world of Abyss and aims at the depths of Abyss while growing.

In addition to the story of re-experiencing anime, there is also an original story supervised by the original author, Akihito Tsukushi.

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