Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos' Bezos' Calculator, a counter where you can experience earning at explosive speed

Real-time wealth earned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, the world's first person to own over $ 200 billion in assets and the

world's second-largest millionaire after Elon Musk The site 'Bezos' Calculator' that you can see has appeared. If you look at the amount of money that grows as you look at this site, you can realize that Bezos CEO is rich enough to say, 'I can't catch up even if I work for 2000 with an hourly wage of 800,000 yen.'

Bezos' Calculator

When I visited the above site, I saw a fast-rotating counter with the message, 'This shows how much Jeff Bezos has earned since you started looking at this page.' It's been less than a few seconds since I accessed it, but at this point Bezos has already earned $ 8584.

Not only will the counter rotate, but cards with various amounts of money that will be an indicator of how much Bezos is earning will be displayed flowing from bottom to top. Bezos earned more than $ 15,000 a year for workers working at the minimum wage in just four seconds from the start.

In eight seconds, it exceeded the annual salary of the cheapest Amazon employee, $ 31,200.

After that, in 13 seconds, 'American's median annual income of $ 47,000 (about 5.09 million yen)', in 17 seconds, 'American average annual income of $ 63,409 (about 6.87 million yen)', 22 seconds Bezos' wealth will jump over various records, such as breaking through 'Bezos' own annual salary of $ 81,840 (about 8.86 million yen)'.

In 27 seconds, the maximum annual income of the recipients of benefits for the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is $ 99,000 (about 10.71 million yen), and in 32 seconds, the annual income of senior software developers is $ 116,600 (. It exceeded about 12.62 million yen).

In just 39 seconds, you can buy a basic model of the Aston Martin sports car '

Vantage,' which costs $ 142,000.

In 48 seconds, the US senator earns more than $ 174,000 in a year, and in 50 seconds, the fully equipped

Tesla Model S reaches $ 182,000. I will.

And in just one minute and nine seconds from the start of the measurement, Bezos earned $ 250,000, the cost of raising a child to the age of 17 in the United States.

Of software engineers who developed the Bezos' Calculator Alvaro Montoro says, this site is referred to as 'only 2020 Bezos's assets is 56.7 billion US dollars (about 6 trillion 136.9 billion 80 million yen) was also increased,' reports referring to such In addition, Mr. Bezos's income per second is calculated as '3605 dollars (about 390,000 yen)'.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks