Intel plans to produce chips for automobiles, aiming to start production within 6 to 9 months

Patrick Gelsinger, CEO, has revealed that Intel plans to start producing chips for automobiles in 6 to 9 months to solve the chip shortage in the automobile industry.
Intel in talks to produce chips for automakers within six to nine months -CEO | Reuters
Intel talks on semiconductor production for automobiles within 6-9 months = CEO | Reuters
Intel hopes to start making chips for car companies within six to nine months --The Verge
Intel In Talks With Automotive Industry to Supply Specialized Chips | Tom's Hardware
The global semiconductor shortage due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection and the conflict between the United States and China has continued since 2020, and it is expected that recovery will take time. The impact is widespread, with measures such as production cuts and factory closures being taken in the automotive industry.
Global semiconductor shortage is hitting automakers-GIGAZINE

Under these circumstances, Intel has launched a new strategy 'IDM 2.0' that focuses not only on its own semiconductor manufacturing but also on chip manufacturing of partner companies.

Gelsinger, CEO, told Reuters that he is in talks with a chip designer about chip production for automobiles, by using existing Intel equipment without building a new factory.6 The company is aiming to start production in 9 to 9 months.
Contracts with some of the major parts suppliers have already begun, and chip production may take place at plants in Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, Israel and Ireland.
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in Hardware, Posted by logc_nt