4K images can be uploaded on Twitter, and there is also a new function to prevent some images on the timeline from being cropped
On March 11, 2021, Twitter announced that it has begun testing the ability to upload high-resolution images, including
Sometimes it's better said with a picture or a video. Over the next few weeks, we'll be testing some ways to improve how you can share and view media on Twitter. ????
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) March 10, 2021
Until now, it was possible to post 4K photos on Twitter by tweeting from a browser, but there was no way to upload 4K images from the Twitter app on your smartphone.
Twitter announced on March 11 that it has piloted the ability to upload and display 4K images on the Android and iOS Twitter apps. This will allow people participating in the Twitter test to share 4K images by changing their data usage settings.
Have a collection of higher res photos waiting to be shared? We're testing ways for you to upload and view 4K images on Android and iOS.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) March 10, 2021
If you're in the test, update your high-quality image preferences in “Data usage” settings to get started. Pic.twitter.com/EgW5fsb8Z8
Twitter also revealed that it is testing a specification change that causes thumbnails of images displayed on the timeline to be cropped in an unintended way. At the time of writing the article, if you upload a portrait photo on Twitter, it will be automatically cropped and become landscape ...
The new spec under test will allow you to see the entire image properly from the timeline.
Both the 4K image posting function and the entire image display function are available only to some test users, and it is unknown at the time of article creation when they will be officially implemented in the Android version and iOS version apps.
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in Mobile, Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks