YouTube announces that it will officially provide picture-in-picture function in iOS version application, but withdraws in a few days

YouTube is a YouTube app for iPhone and iPad, announced on April 10, 2022 that it will officially release a '

picture in picture ' function that allows you to display YouTube movies in one corner of the screen and watch them while using other apps. However, YouTube withdrew this announcement just a few days later.

All iOS users will get YouTube picture in picture within days, says Google

YouTube's picture-in-picture iOS test for premium subscribers is over, and a full rollout isn't ready yet --The Verge

The picture-in-picture function is a new beta version of the YouTube app for iOS and iPad OS, and has been offered on a trial basis since June 2021 only to members of YouTube Premium, which is a paid plan. However, the test provision of the picture-in-picture function has already ended at the time of article creation. When I checked 'Try new features in beta' of YouTube Premium from the YouTube app for iOS, the experience of the picture-in-picture function of iOS was 'expired'.

YouTube's official Twitter account announced on April 10 that 'picture-in-picture features will be available on all devices running iOS 15 and above within a few days.' However, this tweet has been deleted.

And on April 12, YouTube's official Twitter account said, 'The picture-in-picture function developed on devices equipped with iOS 15 or later is available only on YouTube TV. The picture-in-picture function of YouTube itself is an application for Android. It is available to YouTube Premium members only, 'and withdrew the announcement on April 10 that' the picture-in-picture function will be officially released in the iOS app. ' Please note that YouTube TV is only available in the United States.

However, YouTube's official Twitter account said, 'The picture-in-picture function is currently only available on Android devices, but please be assured that we are working to extend this function to iOS apps as well.' We are planning to officially release the picture-in-picture function in the iOS version as well.

In addition, if YouTube Premium members have enabled the picture-in-picture function that was experimentally provided in the iOS version application, it seems that picture-in-picture can continue to be used even when the function is no longer provided. However, be aware that if you enable other features, you can only enable one beta feature at a time, and you cannot re-enable the picture-in-picture feature.

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk