It turns out that North Korea was trying to steal Pfizer's vaccine by hacking

On February 16, 2021, it was discovered that North Korea had hacked American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer with the aim of obtaining vaccine data for the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).
North Korea tried to steal Pfizer coronavirus vaccine information, South says --The Washington Post
North Korean hackers tried to steal Pfizer vaccine know-how, lawmaker says | Reuters
'North Korea has hacked Pfizer to get information about COVID-19 vaccine and treatment data,' South Korean intelligence official Ha Tae-kyung told reporters. Mr. Ha did not answer questions about when the hack took place or whether the hack was successful.
This is not the first time North Korea has hacked COVID-19. In October 2020, a group of government-sponsored hackers hacked into a major pharmaceutical company, and Mr. Ha said that hacking by North Korea increased by 32% in one year.
Microsoft announces that 'Russia and North Korea have hacked research organizations related to the new corona vaccine' --GIGAZINE

Also, it is not the first time that the vaccine information developed by Pfizer is subject to hacking. In January 2021, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) , an EU specialized agency that reviews drugs, was attacked by a cyber attack, and it was found that information on the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech was leaked.
Drug regulators leak information on Pfizer's new corona vaccine after a cyberattack-GIGAZINE

As of January 2021, North Korea claims that 'the number of people infected with COVID-19 in Japan is zero.'
Even now, 'zero infected people' are claimed. North Korea's new corona situation, South Korean experts read: Asahi Shimbun GLOBE +

However, North Korea has officially admitted that it has requested about 2 million doses of vaccine from the WHO-backed vaccine distribution program COVAX . In addition, North Korea is reported to have taken measures such as suspending trade with other countries and installing land mines on the border with China in order to prevent the spread of infection within the country.
North Korea has taken measures to set up land mines at the border, kill infected people, and execute misguided officials as a countermeasure against the new corona --GIGAZINE

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