North Korea has taken measures to set up land mines at the border, kill infected people, and execute misguided officials as a countermeasure against the new corona.

As a countermeasure against the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), North Korea has begun to take extreme measures such as 'burying land mines and blocking the border' and 'infecting people are killed without giving medicine or food'. , The
North Korean COVID-19 victims left to die in secret camps: report
N. Korea lays landmines in border areas to fend off coronavirus: NIS | Yonhap News Agency
According to a report by the National Intelligence Service, North Korea is on high alert against COVID-19, blocking the border and one along the border with China to prevent entry on non-regular routes. It is said that the department is taking measures to bury land mines. In addition to this, a new law has been enacted that 'officials who fail to control COVID-19 will be sentenced to death', and in August 2020, a large number of customs officers who brought in supplies from South Korea etc. were disposed of. That's right.

It is believed that this response is due to North Korea's awareness that its medical infrastructure is fragile. The
In addition, there are reports that 'North Korea is not treating COVID-19.' According to a report by Christian activist Tim Peters of HelpingHands Korea, the North Korean government has set up a 'quarantine camp' in a city near the border with China to accommodate COVID-19 infected people. It is said that there is almost no distribution of food, let alone medicine.

by Roman Harak
'At the quarantine camp, we do everything we can to bring in food and medicine for sale in the market, and even herbs from the mountains,' Peters said. According to the information, many people have died not only from COVID-19 but also from hunger and related illnesses. '
In addition, Mr. Kim Jong Un, the highest leader of North Korea, said in a large-scale military parade held in October 2020, 'I am grateful that there are no COVID-19 infected people in the country.' He said that he repeatedly emphasized his country's success in pandemics.
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