Subway 'Pizza Adult Demi-glace Chicken' tasting review with thick demiglace sauce and volumey chicken entwined with thick cheese

From Wednesday, January 20, 2020, the winter-only adult flavor ' Pizza Adult

Demi- glace Chicken ' will be added to the regular menu ' Pizza Sub ' series of the sandwich chain Subway. It is said that it is a sandwich made by stewing tomato paste, stir-fried beef and flavored vegetables in a roux based on demiglace sauce, and putting plenty of cheese on it, so I actually tried it.

Introducing the luxurious 'adult taste' and 'pizza adult demiglace chicken' for the winter of 2021 created by 'Torori cheese + Demi + mustard'
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Pizza Adult Demi Glace Chicken │ Subway Campaign Information │ Subway Official Website

I came to the subway.

At the storefront, there was a banner that appealed to the pizza adult demiglace chicken.

That's why I bought 'Pizza Adult Demi-glace Chicken' (470 yen excluding tax) at takeout. In addition, although you can usually choose the type of bread for the subway sandwich, this item is a choice of honey oats.

When comparing the size side by side with a transportation IC card

Plenty of cheese is topped on the ingredients sandwiched between the breads, and you can see slices of peppers and onions, and brown demiglace sauce.

When I split it in two, there was a lot of chicken in it. When you try it, you can feel the flavor of demiglace sauce. Since the cheese is mozzarella cheese, it doesn't have much habit and it doesn't look like pizza. The crispy texture of the sliced onion and the slight bitterness of the peppers are a nice accent. He said, 'I added mustard to the hidden taste to make it a little sour,' but I could hardly feel the sourness of mustard. Still, with the elasticity of the chicken, the pizza adult demiglace chicken was a fairly chewy sandwich.

in Tasting, Posted by log1i_yk