Finnish Prime Minister instructed concrete examination of '4 days a week & 6 hours a day work system'

Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who was 34 years old, the youngest in Finland's history, is one of the goals of the Finnish Social Democratic Party , which is led by ' shortening working hours ', and plans to achieve it. He indicated his intention to move forward.

Social Democrats to continue pursuit of shorter working times, confirms Marin

Working time Business interest groups: Sanna Marini's message about reducing working hours “totally wrong” – Pledge Times

Finland's PM Calls for Shortening Working Hours-The New York Times

In a keynote speech by the Finnish Social Democratic Party on 24 August 2020, the party's chairman, Prime Minister Marin, said, ``We have a clear vision and concrete vision for achieving shorter working hours and better working conditions. We need to create a good roadmap.'

According to a local newspaper, The Helsinki Times, the following are the points about shortening working hours in the lecture by Prime Minister Marin.

“For the last few decades, the idea of reducing working hours has caused a flurry as the debate about working has focused on other themes. The goal of reducing working hours is not deferred, It does not contradict our objectives of improving employment and achieving a strong public economy.'

'One way to distribute wealth fairly is to improve working conditions and reduce working hours without compromising income levels. Once Finland was in line with the goals of the Finnish Social Democratic Party five days a week, eight days a day. When shifting to an hour-hour system, wages did not collapse, but rather improved over the decades.

In his speech, Prime Minister Marin gave a research result showing that 'shortening working hours improves productivity, and it is no problem for employers to pay wages for eight hours over six hours'. You mentioned more than one. Prime Minister Marin has consistently set the goal of shortening working hours even before taking office, and made the same statement when he took office.

``4 days a week & 6 hours a day'' planned by new Finnish Prime Minister-GIGAZINE

In response to Prime Minister Marin's intention, groups such as the Federation of Finnish Industries and the Finnish Central Chamber of Commerce jointly issued a condemnation statement. 'The message of the Prime Minister is completely wrong,' he said. 'Finnish debt continues to grow at a record pace, and the prospect of securing the well-being of Finns by the blow of the new coronavirus is bleak.' Is very dangerous. Now we have to focus on improving our economy and employment.'

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log