New Finnish Prime Minister plans '4 hours a week & 6 hours a day'

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin , the youngest Prime Minister in Finnish history at the age of 34 , is considering introducing ' 4 hours a week & 6 hours a day '.
Finland's new Prime Minister Sanna Marin, 34, plans to introduce four-day working week | Daily Mail Online
Mr. Marin has been a city council member in Tampere, Finland since the age of 27, but turned to parliament after serving two terms. In 2014, she was elected to the Finnish Parliament for the first time as the Social Democratic Party of Finland, and was elected Minister of Transport and Communication for the second term. Former Prime Minister Antin Linne resigned and was named the 46th Prime Minister of Finland by the Social Democratic Party of Finland on December 8, 2019. He was 34 years old when he became Prime Minister, the third youngest female PM in Finland's youngest.
Mr. Malin announced that he is considering a '4 hours a day, 6 hours a day system' as a bill to allow workers to spend more time with their families. Since the time of the Minister of Transport and Communications, Marin has been advocating 'shortening of working hours' to improve productivity.
In his response, Prime Minister Marin said, 'It is important to reduce the working hours of the Finnish people. This is our commitment and will help our workers. In Sweden, a neighboring country that works overtime, studies have shown that workers are happier, more economically rich, and more productive. '
At the time of writing, the working hours stipulated by law in Finland are five days a week, eight hours a day. The announcement is reportedly earning the enthusiastic support of Minister of Education Li Anderson, who heads the Finnish Left Alliance .
In October 2019, Microsoft Japan implemented '4 days a week' to improve life-work balance. The company reports that 'working four days a week improved productivity by 39.9%.'
Results of measurement of “Work Life Choice Challenge 2019 Summer”, an in-house project based on “4 days a week & 3 days a week”-News Center Japan

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