Google, Microsoft, Wikipedia, etc. cooperate with government to fight 'fake news of presidential election'

Major IT companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc. have united with the government agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the US presidential election held in November 2020. It was reported that countermeasure meetings were repeated.
Tech giants looking to work with government to secure the elections
Google, Facebook and Others Broaden Group to Secure US Election-The New York Times
Big Tech met with govt to discuss how to handle election results
The major US IT companies and government agencies are meeting repeatedly to deal with fake news about the presidential election. In the last 2016 presidential election in the United States , it is believed that fake news and other large-scale public opinion guidance was being conducted on the Internet.
Russia's involvement in the US presidential election ``Russia Gate'' Facebook posts to 126 million people, reach tweets 131,000 posts, YouTube more than 1000 videos-GIGAZINE

Under these circumstances, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter have been regularly discussing with government agencies since 2016. Some companies have clearly stated their attitude to fight fake news, and have been promoting policy revisions and the introduction of fake news detection systems.
YouTube changes policy, prohibits dissemination of fake news for US presidential election-GIGAZINE

These fake news are expected to grow for the upcoming US presidential election in November 2020. For that reason, a large group of IT companies fighting fake news is aiming for the US presidential election in 2020, as a new partner, Reddit , the largest social bookmarking site in the English-speaking world, and Verizon Media, the media division of Verizon , the largest telecommunications operator in the United States. , LinkedIn , the world's largest business-focused SNS, Pinterest , a pinboard- style photo-sharing SNS, and the Wikimedia Foundation , which runs Wikipedia, a multilingual Internet encyclopedia.
With the addition of the above five companies, the group will hold a meeting with government agencies such as the FBI, DHS, and US Secretary of State for Information on August 12, 2020. We shared insights on fake news and other fraudulent activities on internet services operated by participating companies.
A spokeswoman for the group said, 'We meet regularly for the next presidential election to discuss trends with government agencies whose mission is to protect the health of the election.' At, we have worked closely together to combat information manipulation across the platform.'
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