Why is it important to be '4 to 1' rather than '1 to 1' to manage people well?

Management to smooth the team and improve performance becomes more difficult as the number of people to manage increases, but on the other hand, it is easier to manage four people than to manage one person. thing.
Why It's Easier to Manage 4 People Than It Is to Manage 1 Person · Stay SaaSy
One manager explains why one-to-one management, where one manager manages one employee, fails: 'A manager relies on only one work report submitted by an employee. Stay SaaSy explains.”
Novice managers will depend on the reports submitted by the people being managed, the people who will carry out the project, to see if their job is successful. If there is only one person managing it, if the feedback in that report is bad, the feedback to the manager will be 100% bad.

On the other hand, if you get a good rating on a one-to-one report, the report will be 100% good. By receiving a non-trivial evaluation, the manager will not make a critical evaluation, and it will lead to
And in the one-to-one case, when a manager has a problem, the employee cannot get help. Managers and employees are always in confrontation because the opinions of others are not entered, and there are only conflicts of opinion.

Stay SaaSy also explains that if a manager receives operational reports from only one employee, he cannot notice when something goes wrong in the team. The report will also allow team members to discuss and collaborate with each other, but if only one person submits the report, the content may be overloaded with ego that does not reflect other opinions. ..
It's not surprising that managers make mistakes and that there are mistakes in the reports. However, if you do not have such a premise and force a less experienced manager to manage one-on-one, the situation is expected to worsen. Stay SaaSy spells out the following three points to improve the situation.
· Avoid situations where a first-time manager will be assigned to a team with only one employee for a long time.

・If there is one manager for each employee, make sure that the manager is an expert in the field. Sometimes non-specialists are deliberately chosen as managers, but lack of expertise can lead to mistakes and poor managers.
・Avoid the situation where 'one manager receives only one report', no matter how costly. Reports are relatively new to the engineering industry, and managers are not subject matter experts .
Managers should invest for the success of their reports, but overinvestment can lead to failure. It should also be borne in mind that if a report is successful, the manager will rely on it and ask the team for more content.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log