What are the eight failures that will result in losing outstanding employees?

Although it is difficult to keep excellent employees in the company, "There are not many companies that lose excellent employees due to too simple mistakes," said Travis, a consulting firm that enhances emotional intelligence (EQ), TalentSmart Dr. Bradbury is thinking. Dr. Bradbury presents "the lowest 8 mistakes that will make you lose an excellent employee" that should be easily avoided by the top of the company.

8 Bad Mistakes That Make Good Employees Leave

· 1: Making foolish rules <br> rules are essential to companies. However, excessively binding employees with too detailed rules can be harmful for outstanding people. When an excellent employee feels uncomfortable like "always being monitored ...", he said he wanted to search for another job.

· 2: Handle employees equally "The only strategy that treats members equally is for schools, and the function of the workplace should be different from the school," Dr. Bradbury said. To treat employees with high abilities equivalent to employees who just spend time and push time cards is as good as handling outstanding employees incompetently.

· 3: Accept bad performance - Jazz bands are rated at the lowest player level, even if there are wonderful players, there is only one lowest player and the whole band receives the lowest rating I will. This theory holds true for companies as well, and allowing low performances for those with inferior abilities will drag down the top employees to the same level, Dr. Bradbury said.

· 4: Do not evaluate performance correctly <br> giving remuneration to individual achievements achieved by employees means paying attention to their employees. And, "remuneration" varies from person to person, some people desire high salary, others ask for praise, so the manager is to know what the employee feels is evaluated to what We need to communicate. Everyone gains motivation by being appreciated when they do work and earning rewards, but excellent employees respond better to remuneration with more results.

· 5: Indifferent to employees - More than half of those who quit their jobs are quitting because of their relationship with their boss. Excellent enterprises are conscious of management so that they are balanced between being professional and being human. Such managers are those who celebrate the success of their employees and who cuddle in difficult times. If you do not care about the individual circumstances of the employee at all and care only about the outcome of the work, it is natural to get a high turnover rate.

· 6: I do not show the whole picture of work <br> It is certainly more efficient by allocating work to each employee and sharing work. However, it should be avoided for competent employees to give partial work without showing a big picture. An excellent employee cares about the contents of his own work, and the job must have a clear purpose. If you fail to make aware of what position your job is given in the whole project, you will lose your purpose by feeling that you are alienated. It seems that if it is not possible to give a purpose to an excellent employee, it will seek the purpose in other workplaces.

· 7: Do not pursue passion <br> talented employees are often passionate. By giving outstanding employees the opportunity to pursue their passion, productivity and satisfaction with work will increase. However, many managers are afraid that productivity will not be reduced by giving their subordinates a broad perspective and pursuing passion. But Dr. Bradbury is dismissed that such fears are unfounded.

· 8: I will not entertain - Dr. Bradbury believes that people who do not enjoy their work never do their best. Therefore, "I am doing my job in the wrong way if I am doing business without entertaining." "Enjoying" plays an important role to prevent a decline in motivation. A company with the best environment to work is one that knows the importance of solving employees' tension. For example, Google is trying to provide employees with everything they can do to make their work happy, such as free meals, bowling alleys and fitness clubs. Dr. Brad Berry says that reasoning is easy as it not only improves performance if you enjoy your work but also allows you to work for a long time.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log