Failure talks and success stories of IT industry talks · Leadership theory · Improvement of unnecessary meetings

BySteve Jurvetson

Event founder and CEO of IT venture company gathers and exchanges opinions "Cultivate 2013"Was held to give lectures on topics such as successful makers in the IT industry" failures they experienced "and" How to become a better leader? "HubSpotThen, a part of the event contents has been released, and among them, I gathered lectures that gained high acclaim from the audience.

Cultivate 2013 - O'Reilly Conferences, October 14 New York, NY

Lessons from Leaders on Cultivating Culture

Tim O'ReillySubject "How I Failed"

American media companiesO'Reilly MediaO'Reilly, who was the founder of the company, has made great success in the IT industry, but has committed numerous failures behind it. However, Mr. O'Reilly has summarized "failed committed" and "lesson learned from failure" because that failure is the factor that caused the company and employees and Mr. O'Reilly to grow themselves.

· 1: did not confirm that the team understood the instructions accurately

ByMarco Bellucci

According to Mr. O'Reilly, when giving instructions, it is necessary for the project team to check over time to see if they understand their instructions properly. To that end, it is necessary to prioritize the strategy of the project, "to understand what is the top priority in carrying out the project in accordance with the priority order" "What should be done in order to complete the top priority work We should tell the team.

· 2: Belief

By@ Doug 88888

Even if the method you tried earlier went well, it is not necessarily a single correct answer, so it is important not to be caught in the past case. If technology requires creative thinking, it is obviously necessary for business as well.

· 3: The incomplete discipline on finance and operation


The biggest failure that Mr. O'Reilly committed was "incomplete discipline concerning finance and operation", which caused problems with "how to use money" and "negotiation with the outside", O'Reilly Media is on the verge of bankruptcy To be driven to it. In order not to repeat the same mistake, it was necessary to accurately grasp the characteristics of the employees of the finance department of the company and to arrange the staff appropriately.

· 4: compromised on mediocrity

ByEvan Leeson

Try asking your heart and if you feel something is missing, that is correct. If you do not compromise with mediocrity especially noticeable, even if you are out of the rail, you should try believing on yourself.

· 5: "Let me do it"

ByAdam Bronkhorst

When there are variations in the abilities of employees in the department, we will arrange staffing that will balance the ability by all means, but this is wrong. It seems that you should avoid avoiding situations like someone else's toppings of others' work.

◆ Kate Matsudaira theme "What are you doing the day?"

Start-up companyPopformsKate Matsudaira, CEO of Kate Matsudaira, said that it aims to be a flat organization, that is, an organization that eliminates traditional hierarchical relationships and that all employees are managers. However, the presence of a leader in a flat organization is essential, Mr. Matsudaira began thinking about what to do in order to become a good leader.

A leader is a "person who makes a decision" and is never a position. Matsudaira cited "characterism", "expertise", "communication ability" as elements that the leader should have. Especially important is human relations with employees who build by using communication skills. According to Matsudaira, the way to build a human relationship is to first select "the most important person in the team" and "a person who is building the best human relationship with him" in all departments and project teams, Create a. If people in the two lists are not identical, why do you have to build a good relationship with "the most important person in the team"?

ByKevin Dooley

When you feel inconsistency in the work content etc confront from the straight line. Do not ignore contradictions leads to earning trust from employees. Also, it is important to ask your employees and listen closely to answers. Matsudaira said, "Although it is not easy to build human relationships, the problem is to forget that difficulty, because the success of a company depends on people, that is, employees," as important as human relationships in companies I was talking about sex.

◆ Michael Lopp theme "I dislike meetings"

I analyzed the meeting from various angles in the topic "Why are meetings disliked?"Palantir TechnologiesMichael Lopp who is an engineer. According to Mr. Lopp, the meeting is composed of four elements, "human other than yourself" "collaborative work to solve problems" "limited time" "necessity", but does not meet the four elements In the case that "hated meetings" will occur.

Mr. Lopp cited as an example of a meeting that did not meet the four elements, "There are people who are not participating in the meeting place", "lack of agenda" "Participants participate by taking the time I do not pay homage to being there. "" It will proceed forever without time limitation. "


In order to prevent meetings like Mr. Lopp mentioned above, we hold a short 30 minutes meeting every week to clarify the problems we have. It is also important to invite people from different departments and projects. Sharing problems with people in completely different fields will lead to the discovery of new clues. We do not frequent meetings with many participants, occasionally holding it enough. While doing poker, if you make a meeting different from ordinary ones, unexpected conversations and ideas may jump out.

The content of the lecture is persuasive only with experiences of people who have achieved great success, and may be helpful for people who are going to raise business from now on, or who have already started business.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log