Information on Android 11 release date is September 8, 2020, information revealed from Google distribution video

Google is expected to be the release date of 'Android 11' scheduled to be released in the second half of 2020 in 'Hey Google' Smart Home Summit held online on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 It turned out that there was a description of the date. Google immediately deleted the summit footage, but the news site that was watching the footage is spreading the information.
Google pulls video that revealed Android 11's launch date

Google may have accidentally revealed the Android 11 release date-PhoneArena
It has been announced previously that Android 11 will be released in the latter half of 2020, but corona damage has delayed the release of the beta version twice, and it is completely predictable when the official version will be around It was gone.
However, there is a description of 'Checklist for September 8th Android 11 launch' in the distribution video of ''Hey Google' smart home summit', and Google will release Android 11 official version on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 It became clear that it seems to be doing.

The video was delivered at ' '. It seems that this information was not planned to be released as Google yet, the image was deleted immediately, and it can not be seen at the time of article creation.
For the official version, the second beta version of Android 11 has been released.
Android 11 Beta | Android Developers | Android Developers
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