I tried eating and comparing 4 kinds of sukiya ``beef calbi rice bowl'' with a rich taste with chaff with sweet and soft beef ribs

A new regular menu, ' Gyu-Kalbi-don ', made by adding savory sweetness to beef- filled beef ribs , has been added from June 17, 2020 (Wednesday). 'Cheese beef kalbi don', 'Kimchi beef kalbi don', and 'Namuru beef kalbi don' were also introduced, so I tried to compare them all together.

'Gyu-Kalbi Don' to be released on Wednesday, June 17th from 9am | Sukiya


Arrived at Sukiya.

I bought 4 kinds of beef rib bowl and came back.

Purchased beef ribs bowl, cheese beef rib bowl, kimchi beef rib bowl, namul beef rib bowl.

First of all, I will eat from the beef rib bowl. When the lid was opened, the scent of grilled beef ribs and soy sauce spread out.

There is white sesame in the center.

When you try it, the sweet and spicy sauce goes around the ribs and the rice goes on. It has a strong taste that will give you good stamina in the hot season. The ribs were thinly sliced and soft, and the texture and aroma of the crispy sesame were accented.

The beef rib bowl has a small sachet to keep it off.

If you have plenty of sauce, you can enjoy the taste of sweeter sauce. Beef ribs have a good taste even if you don't sprinkle them, and if you sprinkle them all, the taste will be quite thick and you won't have enough rice, so it's better to decide whether to eat the bite before sprinkling the sauce.

Next, the cheese beef ribs bowl. The flavor of cheese is stronger than that of beef ribs.

The thick and thick cheese is added to the sweet and spicy sauce, which makes it the thickest of the four beef rib bowls. The cheese is quite strong and the sweet and spicy sauce is overwhelmed, so if you want to increase the sweetness, it's best to add a rib of champagne to add a richer flavor.

Cheese beef ribs bowl comes with Tabasco as well as ribbing sauce.

By adding a spicy and spicy Tabasco to the rich and mellow taste, the taste is sharp and changes to a timeless taste.

Next is kimchi beef rib bowl. Beef rib bowl is topped with Chinese cabbage kimchi.

The standard combination of beef bowl and kimchi goes well with the spiciness of sweet beef ribs and kimchi. Unlike the sharp spiciness of Tabasco, the sweetness of Chinese cabbage is felt in the spicy spiciness. It is recommended that you do not apply it personally, as kimchi's presence will be slightly diminished if you apply additional chaff.

The last is Namul Beef Calbee Bowl. The scent of sesame oil stirs your appetite.

The crispy, chewy sprouts and spinach transform the oil of beef ribs into a refreshing mouthfeel. The sweet and spicy sauce and sesame oil go perfectly with each other, and the finish was the lightest of the four types of beef rib bowl.

The average price of 'Gyu-Kalbi-don' is 550 yen including tax, the average price of 'Cheese-Gyu-Kalbi rice bowl' is 700 yen including tax, and the average price of 'Kimchi-Gyu-Kalbi rice bowl' and 'Namul Beef-Kalbi-Don' is 680 yen including tax. It can be purchased at Sukiya nationwide except Japan.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log