Elijah Wood comes over to sell the turnip to the island of the “Animal Crossing Forest” player, talked about being too polite

How Elijah Wood ended up on stranger's Animal Crossing island | EW.com
Elijah Wood is the model Animal Crossing player-Polygon
The turnip price fluctuates every day in 'Atsume Animal Crossing Forest', so if you open the island to outside users on the day when the high price is recorded, many people will flood to sell the turnip. Mr. Kovalick , who uses a Twitter account called @directedbyrian , opened the island to those who want to sell the turnip on Twitter because the turnip price of his own island was high at 599 bells one day. . Atsuma Animal Crossing who found this tweet A large amount of direct messages (DM) were sent from users, so Mr. Kovarik seems to have notified the users individually the password to visit the island.
my price for turnips is 599 bells !!! dm me for dodo code ???? #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons #acnh #turnipprices pic.twitter.com/dsU23mo9bw
— Jessa ???? (@directedbyrian) April 23, 2020
Then, DM from that Elijah Wood's official Twitter account 'I want to sell the turnip, please tell me the password!'
guys I tweeted my turnip prices and elijah wood just came to my island and hung out ???????????????????? this is the best day in quarantine yet pic.twitter.com / H3mYJWnvgR
— Jessa ???? (@directedbyrian) April 23, 2020
The following screenshot is from DM sent from Elijah Wood's official Twitter account. Kovalik replied, 'Of course!'
Elijah Wood finally arrived on Kovalick's island. The name is 'Elwood' which is short for 'Elijah Wood'. Elijah Wood seems to have named his island 'Driftwood.'

Elijah Wood praised Kovalik's island, saying 'Your island is beautiful'.

In addition, to the commemorative photo with the people who visited Kovarik's island.

There was also a scene where Elijah Wood asked 'Can I get some fruit?' And asked if it would be okay to get some fruit, and it seemed so polite that I couldn't even think of a celebrity.
#AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/mItAycEWUg
— Jessa ???? (@directedbyrian) April 23, 2020
In addition, Elijah Wood seemed to praise ' Ryan Johnson, Hurray!' And Johnson , who directed and screened the movie ' Star Wars: The Last Jedi .'
i knew i could trust elijah wood with my life #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/80K8K6pOIN
— ᴋʟᴀᴜᴅɪᴀ (@bensforce) April 23, 2020
In addition, this tweet seems to have caught the eyes of Johnson himself, and he has adopted this screenshot in the header of Johnson's official Twitter account .
EYEEEEEEEEE —————— pic.twitter.com/YcFtmjMC0w
— Jessa ???? (@directedbyrian) April 23, 2020
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