There are many fan arts that combine Shizue of Animal Crossing and the main character of DOOM, and why?

Heartwarming and the game is is 'to enjoy the exchange of inhabitants in the player is moved to the village where animals live Animal Crossing ' series of Character lower branch's and, the zombies of the military personnel and the hell of devils in firearms and chainsaw The popularity of fan art, which combines the main character Doomguy of the ' DOOM ' series of killing games, which is a sweeping game.

How did Animal Crossing's Isabelle and the Doomguy become best friends?-Polygon

Mr. Shizue is a character who first appeared as a secretary to help the hero who became a village chief in 3DS software `` Tobide Animal Crossing '', a dog Shih Tzu is a model, while ringing a bell attached to a hair band It is characterized by a walking appearance and a sloppy personality. It is one of the most popular characters in the series, participating in Nintendo Switch's ' Super Smash Bros. Smash Bros. SPECIAL '. The following is an announcement video when Mizue-san participated in Super Smash Bros. Special Brawl.

[Smash SP] Dream of working-YouTube

On the other hand, Doomguy is the main character of the popular FPS game 'DOOM' that kills the hell dwellers coming from the gate to the hell that accidentally opened and survives. DOOM is a game that is known for its grotesque depiction of falling down enemies, splashing blood, etc., and the hero of such games, Doomguy, also has a cruel image of 'hitting enemies with a chainsaw'.

It was the release date of each series' latest work that connected such contrasting characters. Overseas, both the latest version of the Animal Crossing series, the “ Atsushi Animal Crossing ” and the latest DOOM series, “ DOOM Eternal, ” will be released on March 20, 2020. A Twitter user who noticed such a accident posted the following fan art on July 9, 2019.

This post has triggered a lot of fan art of Dozuguy and Dozuguy on Twitter. Shizue-san commented on a song called “Rip and tear” that appeared in the 2016 version of “DOOM” and felt crazy from the eyes.

A heart-warming illustration depicting Doomguy, who takes care to keep his body cool while drinking whiskey.

This is Shizue who drinks Suntory's whiskey “ Hibiki ” from Doomguy and smiles.

There are many illustrations combining Shizue and whiskey because the theory that 'Shizue's favorite is whiskey' has emerged. This theory is based on the opinion that Shizue-san's drink, which appeared in a video released on February 20, 2020 at the ' Atsushi Animal Crossing Direct ', looks like ' rock whiskey.'

The following cartoon-style illustration commented, 'Sizue-san and Doomguy are the best friends.'

Doomguy and Tomozu will be promoting March 20, 2020, the release date of the two works.

Shizue-san wearing a shotgun wearing armor and Doomguy in a tuxedo.

DOOM darkness fallen to had as world Tom Nook and the door was Keke , reset's also lower branch's illustrations to fight the Animal Crossing character of such.

The DOOM official also seems to have noticed the overheating of this popularity, and in Nintendo of America's official tweet that `` Azuma Animal Crossing Direct will start on February 20, 2020 '' `` Shizue will appear ? '

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log