I tried using a web application `` DJ 3D '' that allows you to watch YouTube movies in virtual space with friends

With the spread of the new coronavirus infection, an emergency declaration was issued in Japan as well, and it is required to reduce contact between people by at least 70% and by 80% as much as possible. You can't even easily meet your friends, but you can use your DJ3D web app to watch YouTube movies in virtual space with your friends.
Access the official page and click 'Click To Start' to start DJ3D.

The actual DJ 3D screen looks something like this. Your character is displayed in 3D space, and the movie is projected on the background with a large screen. You can move your character forward, backward, left and right with the WASD key, jump with the space key, and run with the shift key.

The viewpoint moves when you move the mouse. The first movie that starts when you start is the movie '

DJ3D is a web application where everyone gathers in the same virtual space to watch movies together. When you press the Esc key, the mouse cursor will be displayed on the screen, so click 'Create Room' in the lower left.

Then, the URL of 'the room where your character is now' is displayed in the red frame. If you want to call your friends, just share this URL.
When someone accesses the shared URL, the number of avatars in the room will increase as shown below.

If you want to change the YouTube movie played in the room, enter the URL of the YouTube movie you want to see in the 'Paste Youtube URL' input field at the bottom of the screen and click 'Play Now' ...

The movie is displayed on the wall.

The seek bar at the bottom center allows you to specify the playback time and change the volume.

DJ3D doesn't have a text chat / voice chat function so you can't say what you're saying with your friends, but it's a web app that allows you to have a simulated experience like watching a movie with friends.

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in Web Service, Web Application, Video, Posted by darkhorse_log