I have eaten `` Niku Katsu Niku Burger '' with tears like meat sandwiching meat with meat with Mos Burger


burgers are familiar with menus full of vegetables, such as hamburgers using `` soy patty '' that does not use meat, `` Natsumi '' series with buns lettuce, but every month 29th is called `` Meat Day '' We offer ' Niku Katsu Niku Burger ' and ' Spicy Niku Katsu Niku Burger ' which are made into meat. Since 2020 is a leap year, there is only `` February 29 '' once every four years, so in order to commemorate this, Mos Burger celebrated the five days from February 25 (Tue) to 29 (Sat) `` Meat Day Weeeeek!, And I ate it immediately, offering two kinds of garlic cutlet burgers for meat day only in the same period.

Moss Meat Day Weeeeek! | Mos Burger Official Site

2020 is a leap year! 'Meat Day Weeeeek!' Is held to commemorate February 29 (meat day) once every four years. February 25
(PDF) https://www.mos.co.jp/company/pr_pdf/pr_200206_1.pdf

Arrived at Mos Burger.

About 10 minutes after ordering, two kinds of garlic cutlet burgers were provided.

I can't tell which one is spicy or savory burger ...

If you look closely at the burger that is spicy and cutlet, you will see a sticker called 'Spicy' on the package.

Niku Katsu Niku Burger is sandwiched between teriyaki chicken and roast cutlet with patties instead of buns.

The Patty was just half as big as the 158.0mm iPhone 11 Pro Max.

Under the patty is a green leaf and a teriyaki chicken, which is grilled twice with the whole chicken thigh cooked over an open fire, teriyaki chicken sauce.

Below that, lettuce and roast cutlet. It is the same moss original roast cutlet as the

roast cutlet burger , but it is finished with soy sauce-based Japanese sauce instead of cutlet sauce.

At the bottom of the package was a Japanese style sauce.

The garlic cutlet burger is made of three kinds of meat: patty, teriyaki chicken and roast cutlet, but when you try it, the compatibility is not bad. The roast cutlet is good because the crunchy pork loin and the crispy fried clothes accent the texture. Teriyaki chicken also has a firm skin, so you can enjoy the juiciness while pretending. The protagonist seems to be changing rapidly depending on the place to eat, and the supporting roles that can not be the protagonist such as green leaf and patty have a firm balance of the whole, and even if there is such food from the beginning, there is no discomfort at all No level.

The spicy savory burger is no different from the savory savory burger.

It looks the same, but jalapeno was sandwiched between roast cutlet and lettuce. In addition, Jalapeno is so strong that it can be said that it is barely spicy. For those who are not good at spicy things, we recommend a regular version of garlic cutlet burger.

In addition, two kinds of garlic cutlet burgers can be ordered on 'Meat Day Weeeeek!' From February 25th to 29th, and only on the 29th day of the meat day.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logu_ii