Google officially releases `` Dataset Search '' that allows searching for data sets for machine learning from the Internet

The key to building algorithms in machine learning is the 'data set'. More data and time are required to improve the accuracy of the algorithm, but collecting and searching for a sufficiently large data set is a particularly difficult point in machine learning. Google has released the official version of ' Dataset Search ' that allows you to search for such datasets online.

Dataset Search

Discovering millions of datasets on the web

When you access Dataset Search, it looks like this.

To search for a dataset, just enter the keyword of the dataset you want to search in the input field. If you enter the word 'Temperture' and search,

The left column shows the search results, and the right column shows detailed information of the selected search results. For example, the search results 'Cretaceous stable isotopic record and sea surface temperture estimation for ODP Site 207-1259 ( from

ODP was selected to guess the record and the sea surface temperature of the stable isotope in the Cretaceous of point 207-1259)', right column The page link shows the date and time the dataset was updated, the publisher, the creator, the license, the download format, the date range and location of the dataset, and more. Click on the page link ...

I was able to jump to the dataset distribution page.

In addition, Dataset Search can search datasets in Japanese, but search results sometimes displayed simple databases and portal sites instead of datasets. For example, when searching for 'cancer' below, the links to databases and portal sites were the top search results.

According to Google researcher Natasha Neu, Dataset Search officially completed its beta test, which lasted almost a year, on January 23, 2020. As a feedback from the beta test, the official version of Dataset Search has added the ability to filter search results by dataset update date, download format, license, and free availability. Also, if the dataset is geographic, the map will be displayed in conjunction with Google Maps.

According to Neu, Dataset Search has already been released as an official version instead of a beta version, but the system is still improving, and feedback is received even at the time of article creation.

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk