'Google News' adds local news display function & establishes hundreds of millions of yen fund for small and medium-sized media

The news browsing service '
Read all about it: A new look for Google News
◆ New features of Google News for desktop
The new top screen of the desktop version of Google News looks like this. On the right side of the screen, the weather around your current location and local news are displayed. Since I was in Osaka this time, the news around Osaka is displayed.

The display area of local news can be customized. To customize your region, click the Settings button to the right of the 'Local News' section.

When the customize screen is displayed, enter the area you want to display in the search field and select the area from the search results. This time I chose Shibuya Ward.

After selecting the area, click the x button on the upper left to close the customization screen.

Then, the news around Shibuya Ward is displayed in the local news column.

You can register multiple areas.

Also, if you scroll down the top screen of Google News, the news will be displayed in a state where it is classified by topics such as 'Business', 'Science & Technology', and 'Entertainment'. If you click 'Customize' located in the upper right of the topic display area ...
The topic customization screen is displayed. On this screen, you can check / uncheck the check box on the left side to show / hide the topic, or drag the red frame on the right side to change the display order of the topic.

◆ Launched 'News Equity Fund' to support small and medium-sized media
Google has announced the establishment of a 'News Equity Fund' to support small and medium-sized media. The 'News Equity Fund' is a fund of several hundred million yen, and it is said that it will support by selecting multiple media 'small and medium-sized news organizations that provide original news to people who have not been covered so far'.
The application period for the 'News Equity Fund' is from June 22, 2022 to July 21, 2022, and the qualification requirements and application method are summarized on the following page.
News Equity Fund-Google News Initiative

◆ Google News available in Spain
Google News is provided all over the world including Japan, but in Spain, due to copyright law, Google News has been suspended. However, due to the revision of the copyright law in Spain, it is possible to provide Google News for the first time in eight years.
Google News is now available in Spain
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in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf