Family Mart `` Teri Mayo Chicken Man '' Tasting Review with Chicken Mayonnaise and Sweet Teriyaki Chicken Stuck in Chinese Bun
' Teri Mayo Chicken Man ', made with chicken and teriyaki sauce and mayo sauce, has appeared at FamilyMart from Tuesday, December 24, 2019. Teriyaki sauce & mayonnaise is a standard hamburger, and it is a combination that has also appeared in
Terimayo Chicken Bun | Product Information | FamilyMart
Arrived at FamilyMart.
Immediately, I bought 'Teri Mayo Chicken Bun'.
It looks like a normal Chinese bun.
The diameter is about the same as a traffic IC card.
Inside there are teriyaki sauce, mayo sauce and chicken. The white mass is mayo sauce.
It is the same color as teriyaki sauce and it is difficult to understand, but it also contained about 4 large cut chickens.
When you try it, the rich taste of mayo sauce is combined with the sweet and spicy teriyaki sauce, giving it a rich taste. Chicken also has a moist and soft mouthfeel, and you can feel the umami of meat that does not lose to dark sauce. Because the mayo sauce is contained in a lump, the acidity and richness are emphasized considerably, and it is a recommended item for mayonnaise lovers.
'Terimayo Chicken Bun' is available for purchase only at FamilyMart nationwide except for some stores for a limited time from December 24, 2019 (Tuesday). The price is 150 yen including tax.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log